Concept sketches of "Sen" for my short story

in #art7 years ago

Hey steemit, here's some concept sketches I colored the other morning to start flushing out some more ideas for my short story.

I inked it with brush pen and colored it with watercolors and markers. I didn't use a reference because I'm practicing drawing without references
I like the shirt with the red circles and I think I'll go with that for the story, I also want to give him Sandles, and some sort of pants, maybe a variation of the green ones on the right
anyway Let me know what you guys think


nice poste ❤❤❤ I m follower you !!!!@gavicrane


Looks great! I'd love to know more about the story. What genre it will be? What kind of character is it? Hehe that's kind of my thing... ;-)

Here's a very rough excerpt from my short story

'One day an 11 year old Sen was wandering around the jin forest, he came across a tall strange bamboo structure, he'd heard rumors of how the jin elders hold fruit sacrifices at bamboo temples, but was too young to visit/participate in the ceremonies.
Sen was drawn into the temple because of its odd construction and the Inumerous artifacts that cluttered the interior.

he began to practice his unique hunting methods which involved harnessing spiral fruit energy into other parts of his body besides his shell (which was the standard jin approach) but like his father before him, sen could not properly control this power. Sen spent the evening training in this temple, increasing the intensity of his practice, suddenly sen starts to feel a great warmth build up within himself, filling him with joy and love, this warmth started to flow from his hands as a flame sprung from his palms, sen was mesmerized and didn't realize what he was doing, he came to his senses as a dry spoke of bamboo had caught flame and slowly started spreading, sen sincerely tried to stop it but didn't understand the nature of fire, he got badly burnt along his left arm and the temple burned down, most of the artifacts ruined.

Oh wow that's an intriguing intro. Great stuff. Well done! I hope get to read this. It is captivating. 8-o

great work...keep it up

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