"canna" Steemfest all about the money...

in #canna-curate5 years ago

Elamental is definitely going to be there.. Of course anyplace he can try to Bill the masses... Love his "skills" at that...

Add in GanjaCoward T-shirt sales... Which of course he needs to offload those worthless shirts. Which he had offered me them.. He is losing his ass off and needs some poor idiot to buy them. Please help him find more drug addict friends to sneak off with.

Maybe that hat of his might help his ego...

But what are we really looking forward to? Paying entrance fees... Yep started at what $139? Now you have to buy a year's membership to the worst joint in Portland.

Oh yeah it's the beginning of Powell. Get ready for a stinky time... Let alone the worst part of portland. I'm sure you will see the encamped tweezers and addicts. Oh that's their part of town.

But for the great price of whatever... You can go suck up to a guy who don't smoke weed... The Cowfarting radical vegans... Or the Meth and heroin addict GanjaCoward...

But I'll promote this as the lowest class Cannabis community event ever...

Let's buy a year membership to a place no one ever goes to... For one day... How ecofriendly.

Next... Yeah let's promote this...

Since the Canna group never even promoted the 420 meetup... Besides the beef...

But yeah. Let's go be with the scum of earthtribe... Saw you at the 420 meetup but wouldn't even come say hi...

Saw him acting all tough.. Then he saw me and wandered away.. Shame I had some words.

But yeah June 22nd .. Let me guess lots of Portland steemians are not going to be available...

And let me guess... I'm not going? Why go someplace that has the worst herb in Portland. Hint the shops have tons of crap and garbage for rock bottom prices.

Well out of 5 leaves for a review?
0.420 leaves for Canna
0.420 leaves for hashkings. From the guy that don't smoke.
0.420 leaves for the event... Worst place ever. And a year membership to a place no one goes....

And hey they are totally having an event that's not even related! Best news of all...

But yeah looking like a loser event... With some bad players promoting themselves.

Now if you want to know why I have beef with Canna?

1 got into trouble for promoting activism and how steemians can actually help the Cannabis community... Shutdown and I had to leave...

2 GanjaCoward demanding me be apart of DGI scam and rip off artist group. They canceled me... I said go for it... Then I got kicked out of canna and they Undelegated the stake...

3 kicked out of Canna server... Lolz. Yep "only" person ever had that happen... Yeah that's a lie too.

4 Jon never was a friend and never had my back. He would allow hate and abuse from other members and wouldn't do a thing about his own friend being treated badly... Grow some balls...

But yeah crappy people and crappy event... But if you want to get a picture of you with unwashed radical vegans that are garbage? Show up!

If you want to smoke the last growers weed? Elamental has you covered.. I'm sure his sales will be banging... He does sell for incredible amounts for the narfiest buds I've seen.. Seriously did this guy just start?

Well I have a feeling that there will be another meetup sunday the 23rd...

With actual weed. And free... The regular Steemit meet-up might be open.

But I'll be honest... No one really cares much about Steemit.... Really.

How many portland steemians are inactive that I could bring? Bet I could bring double the number of people...

But no... Why go to support people that can't really care about the cannabis community?

Or the ones that treat you as they wish to be treated.

Golden rule... Might want to look it up.

But GanjaCoward won't ever get a chance again to mend fences. That ship has sailed...

Oh and hey I wrote a post!

Oh and if you don't believe me about the location of the event... Just wait... It's gonna be lowest classy! Just how these people roll....

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Totally got hate mail... Totally didn't care! Lolz! I'm just gonna do me for a while. And still got Crypto for sale!

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