Chemtrails! i need help to prove this works against them please.

in #chemtrail7 years ago

Hi everyone, this post is really a request for help to confirm the changes i am witnessing from a device i made using orgonite. (it is banned in China incidentally).
The device is easy to make using crushed crystals, Tesla coils and aluminium, set in resin (Bondo) with copper pipes set in them. These are layered to cause an ionisation of the atmosphere where they are placed. I believe these change the positive charge in the atmosphere caused by scalar waves, emf, metals in the atmosphere and the cell towers and convert them to negative where the metals cannot settle into a layer and break up.

After building this device I have cleared the sky and you can see the aluminium and toxins separating from the moisture. The moisture forms natural fluffy clouds whilst the toxins start to rise out of the atmosphere and i have seen this with my own eyes.
I have also brought a number of helicopters, low flying jets, American USAF, to my area scanning the hole i have made.

To add to this I made the small tower busters that uses muffin sized blocks of orgonite and thrown them near 15 masts and that has ripped a hole from where i live to 15+ miles to where my nan lives.
I made it snow 3 days ago and we haven't had snow in years where i am. The reason being that the clouds that form after removing the toxins will release the much needed water back to the land. It is the retention of the water with the toxins that make it programmable for weather control and you can see the scalar waves in the clouds to lower the ceiling.
Where you see the black curling upwards is where the toxins are rising out of the atmosphere, that is not water retained in the clouds, once you can make that distinction you soon realise how much aluminium, barium etc is up there.
You can see in the above photo that the plane chemtrail is no longer sticking in the negatively charged atmosphere and the blue skies are returning. Also note the corkscrew effect of the moisture as it is released.
If there is a lot of moisture in the 20171217_081653.jpgatmosphere it will rain or snow and when it is skies, like it should be. This re-balances nature, Dane Wiggington won't go near this answer, Richie from Boston isn't talking about this as much as i know, yet people like Mike Decker who use the tag We do not consent clearly knows the answer?

Who-ever you are reading this, whatever you believe in i need your help to confirm i am not going mad, if this is working as i believe it to be, no one is talking about it particularly (been dumped in the new age scene?) even those who really want to do something about it. So my friend i pass this information to you and ask/pray that one of you actually goes out and makes one and gets back to me with your results.
My God, if this is what i think it is, wouldn't it give us the power to fight back, to finally do something other than talking about it. There are still people contesting whether chemtrails actually exist! But for anyone who wants to make a difference please make one and let me know, we are way past conventional methods of dealing with it, and how much do we really know about frequency based weapons, weather based weapons?

I also made pyramids which work well, and here is a picture of one i made last week.

I will leave you with this inspirational video of clearing chemtrails by a German gentleman and this shows you how he is using it in Europe.

Other useful information i have pulled out has come from Ken Rohla, Human Frequency,, Orgonite Austin, Mike Decker, CT Busters.
Also look at the cell tower connection to chemtrails and if you like this post please upvote and leave a comment.


I have tested orgonite and have found it to be completely insufficient for removing RF waves or for shielding generally. If you want to Shield yourself from RF and Low power Microwaves then you need to make a faraday cage that surrounds your living quarters. Easier said than done i agree but anti-RF Clothing is also on the market now. I strongly suggest you get someone who knows about Radio Transmissions/Electronics to advise you and not some wild and romantic notion about a substance that cannot in any way affect the electrical properties in the surrounding areas.

RF and scaler energy are two different things..

Hit it 🎉🎉🎉

Nice! Please tell me what you think of my ideas if you like!
Tips on Dealing with WAKING UP to a FLAT EARTH!

Thanks zoomtruth will give it a look, to be honest there is so much that i am learning about that i hadn't thought possible, such as chembusters, and flat earth from a Christian point of view has many valid points and there is much science has failed to tackle. I got to the point in that line of research which is it could possibly be true and if it is i imagine it would really confirm a number of things, especially with Antartica. My only problem is proving it. Thats why i need people to build one of these and help show it works. Hope you give it a go if the chemtrails bother you as well. Thanks again will check out your page.

@gameywatchman I am so pleased that there are people out there like you who are proactively looking for a solution to combat this.

Keep up the good work.

I will check back and share your information. I am sure someone out there can help add to your invention and add some positive feedback.

I hope the Steemit audience can be supportive as a community to stamp out this threat to humanity

Hi thanks for your comment, I hope people see what i am doing and do it as well. It really needs a big effort from a lot of people to really make a global impact. I can only do so much with my resources sadly. Thanks for contributing and hope to hear from you again.

Thank you for sharing.

thanks for taking the time to read.

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