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RE: Mankind's Search For Love

in #life7 years ago

I always answer NO to 'love conquers all.' Here is why: There can be many reasons why a couple who love each other deeply simply can't be together. Maybe 1 of them has an addiction that they can't break. Maybe their religious beliefs are too different. Maybe 1 of them absolutely wants children & the other absolutely doesn't. Maybe they are from different countries & one can't adjust to such a different culture. Sometimes a couple has future goals that are just not the same & no matter how much they love each other they can't make it work. Now, I will say sometimes there is room for compromise, but to say "love conquers all" as a blanket statement I don't believe.


You are correct. Love does not conquer all things, but it's dependent in the kind of love. Like @humanearl has said, God's love conquers all thing. Not even death could stop God's love.
The love of this world is temporal, it's selfish, it's all about what you can get, and never about what you can give. It is this love that can't conquer all. God's love can conquer all things

Well it does depend on which love we are talking about. The world's love is powerless to conquer all. However I was referring to God's love which is infinitely powerful and perfect. We are fallen humans so we don't always love the way God would have us to. So yes we fail in trying to love for different reasons.

I would say that the world's love is not perfect at all. So yes you are very correct in that it will not work in that case.

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