More marble statues on the street

in #art4 years ago

Since this area is home to a big marble industry there is a lot of marble statues all over the place. You never know when you are going to be cruising around somewhere and then all of a sudden there is a really awesome looking statue in front of you. All of the public parks have some in them and the other day i found myself in one of these parks and found some real winners.


There doesn't seem to be a theme in this park or anything but they just have a mish mash of stuff that doesn't seem connected to one another in any way. I am not Vietnamese though, so this person in the picture might be someone famous. There was no indication on the piece that it was. By the way this thing was really big, like 3 or maybe even 4 meters tall.


I didn't step on any of the plants while getting these shot either. On a side note I think it is pretty amazing how well maintained the parks are in this city. For the most part this town is kind of dumpy because there isn't much of a focus on sanitation or trash collection, plus it seems as though a vast majority of the natives here don't have an issue with littering. But the parks look pretty darn great.


These three ladies were at the opposite end of the same plant median or whatever you want to call this central area in the walking area of the park. Once again, I have no idea if these 3 are meant to be something historical or of any sort of importance in relation to the city.

The reason why these statues are so impressive to me is because the artists are extremely talented that are doing it. While I was not there personally to see these being done I have seen several of the places where the artists make their pieces out of single slabs of granite. Of course they use power tools and dremels and what not but they are also aware that you reach a certain point where the marble is going to break if you make it too thin.

Even if you are using power tools to help you along the way, this sort of things is super impressive to me because each one of them, even if they are of a similar theme have minor differences because they are not made by a machine.

If I ever strike it rich, I'd like to have a few of these in my yard for sure.

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