The House Companions Are All Set Up For The WintersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steempeak5 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemians,

I have all the plants set up under lights for the winter now. In New York, succulent variety plants cannot stay outdoors, or even on windowsills, because of the extreme cold temperatures we experience here.

This rings true for the Bhut Jolokia as well. It's not from around this region, but it's indeed hardy. It's survived and thrived with little care from me, and even bounced back quickly during a time when a couple of the peppers started rotting. I thought it was done for, but nope, I showered it with tons of love and started singing to it, then like magic it came back to life!

An old woman passed away a couple of months ago who lived underneath me. She had some plants outside, and after her family removed all of her property, they left the plants. I left them outside for a couple of weeks, out of respect for her and her family, because I was not sure if they were coming back for them. After a while they started dying, and no one was coming back, so I rescued them and started caring for them.

When I looked at them, all were dead but a succulent which is thriving again. I took the other pots and brought them in with the dirt still in them. A big pot filled with dirt was empty from the start. I didn't water it, and it sat for the better part of two months, dry. Then like magic, something sprouted! Wow!

I have no idea what it is, but it's a new member of the family now, so I will list the mystery plant first. If anyone might have an idea of what it is, let futuremind know! I think she might have planted a bulb in it, and knew something was going to sprout. Amazing!

It's so healthy!

Can you tell, it's loving life!

This one was almost dead, so futuremind needed to intervene. Not on my watch!

I love the colors!

I'm not a botanist, but I don't think it's dying anymore!

This one has a certain majestic feel that I adore.

And if you think those petals are dead when they fall off, think again!

This one grows slowly, but always looks so healthy and vibrant.

This one has recently telepathically communicated to me: "Less water please", ok no problem.

Sup Bhut! More peppers!

Baby Peps!

As I'm sure you can all tell, I love my plants and do the best I can for them in this unnatural condition. I feel what they need, and do my best to provide. My reward, is the gift of knowing I'm helping give them life, and I feel their love in return.

I hope you all enjoyed viewing.

Thank you for stopping by!

Original futuremind photography, captured with Samsung WB100.

Much love,


I wonder what the mystery plant will be! I love the pictures. The succulent looks pretty great too. I can't believe that pepper is still sprouting more peppers! Amazing! Yes, I planted my petals too and they turned into new plants. I had the same issue with that same succulent. It wanted less water. I like your photos, the lighting and colours. Very nice. <3

Thank you for the kind words and support Akiroq <3
I'm also surprised the pepper plant is still producing, and hopefully we will find out what the mystery plant is.

Hi @futuremind, I enjoy seeing your plants. Everything is very beautiful. Winter will come will surely occupy you in caring for plants. But believe me you will get a lot of reward from the God for caring for other creatures who need help. Your photos are very good, buddy ..this indicates your camera is very good. Enjoy your day, sir.

Thank you so much @elianalisma!

I appreciate your kind words, thank you for being so supportive, have a great day miss!

This is a Jade Plant, and it doesn't tolerate too much
Water or even too much attention. Don't touch it,
Leave it alone>

This is one varietal of "Ice Plant", despite its name, it won't take
Freezing. Easy to over water

I'll be interested to see what the 'mystery plant' looks like
In a little while as it grows a bit more.
I tend towards plants that are larger, foliage plants.

the apartment I just left, those are all outside right now on my small deck
@futuremind, did you see the link to my dream? I shared in the thread on your dream post. You'd expressed interest in it.
Durn! I guess I dreamed that, the link isn't there now. I'll look and repost it

Thank you for the information on the plants @jerrytsuseer,
That was very kind of you to take the time to do, it's appreciated.
I also like larger foliage plants. I'm just a plant lover in general, but succulents are the one's that ended up in my home, so I am happy to care for them.
I've not read the dream post just yet, but I have not forgotten, things keep popping up left and right and I find I have many things that I need to get to.
I'll do my best to read it asap I will comment when I do.
Thank you again :)

As I said, it is in Discord. Take your time.
I completely understand about "things popping up" and the older I
Get, the more easily distracted I become. I find myself walking in
Circles, going from room to room wondering why I came in
There, until something jogs my memory, but then it's like


and I'm off to the races on something else.

No, I shared the link in Discord @futuremind.

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Well now, 550 is a strange number @steemitboard. Sometimes I feel like you make up achievements just for me because you know I love them 😍

You know I got this!!!

this post has made me inexplicably happy. I guess it's that you rescued living things and tended them. That is phenomenally life affirming thank you for doing it.

Thank you @owasco,
I've always been a plant lover, and really just a lover of life in general.
It feels good to make a difference where and when I can.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and leaving such a kind comment. 🙂

I love plants [:

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Do you ever have any problems with your house plants?

lol you're something else. I'm going to continue downvoting everything you boost, and that has nothing to do with your content, and everything to do with your bid bot abuse. Futhremore, I am not trolling you, but simply responding to your idiotic comments.

P.S. You sent the boost at the perfect time too, because I have a 100% downvote ready for you with max downvote power ;)
I'll be waiting for the boost to process.
Best wishes.

I have had trouble with my houseplants in the past although I think a lot of it may been due to a lack of watering but maybe not all of it.

I intend to buy another Poinsetta plant this year. It really seems to do bad in my house. I think two of them died. I figured it was lack of sunlight but maybe not.

Do you still feel my comments were idiotic? Do you think my comments are improving or have improved?

I harbor no resentment and no longer care what you said or edited. I let things go.

You're even slower than I thought. I'm beginning to feel quite sorry for you.
Perhaps you should take a break from Steem and seek professional help for your disposition.

P.S. You can continue to troll me if you wish. If your bid bot abuse ceases, then so will my flags, in the mean time, thanks for the extra engagement on my post! I'm very grateful you're taking the time to increase my exposure.

Flagged for #abuse Please stop being abusive.

Please stop trolling me.

Please stop being mean and abusive.

Get the fuck off my blog. I can show everyone on Steem the mean and abusive things you said and tried to cover up with modifications and deletions. You are an abusive piece of shit who is lacking in intellect and/or any semblance of respect towards others, now get the fuck off my blog.

All of the terrible things you said were unprovoked, and now you are tolling me.

My next move will be to extract the block data of the terrible things you said to me. Calling me trash, calling me stupid, ect.

Get off my blog!

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" -Socrates

You did this, take some accountability for your actions and move on. Do not keep provoking me.

Come on sweetheart, amp up the percentage, 1% is weak af.

Flagged for #abuse. Please stop being abusive.

Please stop trolling me.

No troubles, my house plants are flourishing from all the love I give them.

No troubles, my house
Plants are flourishing from all
The love I give them.

                 - futuremind

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thanks @haikubot, you rock.

You're supposed to define what the abuse is 😛😘

Only a 1% downvote? Aww, come on sweetheart, you can do better than that 😘

Let's not forget, you've been a naughty naughty boy.


Who's the dummy now?

Just so anyone reading can see what a piece of shit you are. Would you like me to extract the block data of the other things you said and thought were deleted as well?

I would be happy to.

Did you even read my comments? I'm not so sure your reading comprehension skills are that great.


I don't forget, and neither does the blockchain.


You're the bid bot abuser genius.


Ah cool steemworld has that too. :D

Steemworld only allows you to go back a week in history. I wish it was infinite, but still a nice tool when the need to save block data pops up. It's a rather simple process of going to the original incoming/outgoing comment, downloading the JSON file for the block, and then simply opening it in an editor :)

Thank you for the kind words and support as always @acidyo. 🙂

Flagged for #abuse. Please stop being abusive.

What's wrong sweetheart? Can't handle the fact that you were outwitted by someone who's intelligence you insulted?
I was bullied my entire childhood, until my government turned me into a killer, after which, I learned the game of chess as well.

You have the nerve to call me abusive after the horribly abusive things you said to me and then tried to cover up with modifying and deleting? That is not how the blockchain works, and if you continue to troll me and call me abusive, I will expose ALL of the awful things you said to me.

Take your little bitch ass somewhere else before I tear your ass to shreds more so than I already have.

Fuck you, and you won't see me modifying or deleting shit!

P.S. When Steem moons I'll buy you a new suit and a toupee, now get the fuck off my blog sweetheart. 😘

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