Understanding the Prohibition and Criminal Threats from BI with Funny Ways

in #steem6 years ago

It's not easy to get the punch, especially if you're a serious person, angry and panicked. But, if you are relaxed plus a book reader, then definitely will laugh.
At a glance, there is nothing funny about the ban of Bank Indonesia (BI) on Bitcoin and all other virtual currency, which has now reached 1,490 virtual currency types, some even say it has exceeded two thousand in number. The more serious when the BI, conveying a criminal threat for those who dilute virtual currency in the bank. Where is the funny thing if the end is jail, seriously?
Relax first, Steemi! Before we meet the super funny, we first check the interview of Assistant Director of Fintech Office Bank Indonesia, Yosamartha who put the moral aspect as the reason for the ban when it can not resist the technological innovations that have brought virtual currency.
It gets a little funny when he believes that the decline in the price of Bitcoin up to 30 percent in a day is due to the influence of a ban issued by BI. A bit more funny when BI attach a sense of affection to the community because it is considered the Indonesian people are not as smart as the people in Europe.
Starting to feel funny, no ?! Obviously start funny, especially if you add to the imagination plus track record of BI data in keeping the rupiah. Pliss, do not enter the list of government sins that until now has not been able to remove people from the siege of poverty. Pliss do not, because you can laugh all day.
Well, be super funny if you ever read or watched a video lecture Yuval Noah Hahari (YNH), author of Sapiens book, A Brief History of Humankind. Where's the funny thing? Yes, it might be funny if you just read the title. Try reading and watching his videos when he explains human strengths / advantages over Chimps or other animals.
What is human strength? Imagination! Only humans have a double reality, while animals live in objective reality only. Man, besides living in objective reality, according to YNH also succeeds in creating fictitious reality, one of the most accepted forms of fictitious reality of all human beings is money, even defeating the god. God, YNH said there are some who do not accept it, but no money deny it.
Yet, according to YNH, money is not an objective reality. But, because it is trusted by all people then the money can be used as a means of payment, can be exchanged, and can be used as assets of deposits and sent to others. All this is only because people believe it.
Well, start to laugh at the BI ban against virtual currency. If not yet, here's the explanation. Dollar money, euro money, or money as well as the virtual currency base presence is trust. That is, as long as there are people who put trust then during that time the money will exist and continue to move life.
Rupiah money is trusted because there is a central bank and there are regulations. As long as the believer, let alone forced to believe then the rupiah will continue to apply as a legal means of payment, and others. Likewise with virtual currency, when people are gaining confidence that no longer need a third party, enough peer to peer so much faster, more efficient and more secure in protecting assets then virtual currency will continue to be present, and the more crowded that believe in the algorithm then without any regulatory guarantees will not be a problem, and all risks will be managed wisely.
Well, it's caught where the funny. BI should understand that something based on beliefs can not be defeated, let alone at a high level, the larger the community, and the more able to influence and pressure. Should, if the basis of the belief that a beautiful attitude is to adopt it into the governance of the national economy so that what is worried about the virtual currency can be prevented, either by regulation approach or by refining the algorithm, and continuous education to the enthusiasts of virtual currency, the same thing to manage the rupiah currency in order to run in line for one purpose, namely to hasten to bring the Indonesian people out of the siege of poverty.
Yes, do not be too serious. In Steemit we focus on delivering quality posts, including post that can promote nature, art, culture, and Indonesian thinking to make this community media free from hoax. With Steemit media, Indonesian literacy is on the rise again, and Indonesian content creators find media friendly to all the best works. Well, for those who refuse the reward virtual currency (SBD and SP) can choose the option tick decline payout and honorarium of the creator of the content can di amprah to BI hahaha.
Do not be very serious, this post Steem-Up Comedy, who knows to be a new genre in Steamit hahag hahaha.

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