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RE: Is human good or bad by nature? Is there justice?

in #philosophy6 years ago

The fact that the word or the concept we have of it varies, does mean that justice, by itself, is a construct.

"justice" is not a person, place or thing, it is an idea. The fact we all disagree about it means it is a subjective one and not an objective idea. Humans invented the idea, not nature or divinity.

I don't know who ought to be giving what to whom or what you mean by "corresponds" in this case.

Pi is a objective concept, everyone agrees what it is, except of course for the time when Indiana tried to define Pi as 4, people seldom agree on "justice".


"Justice" is indeed a contract and subjective but individuals(whom are objective entities), can determine rules of conduct based on contract or agreement. Justice would then refer to how such conduct is interpreted.

The problem is we live in a statist world where rules of conduct are largely based on arbitrary and subjective processes so the idea of justice being anything real is laughable. Though this doesn't mean private groups of people or associations can't determine their own ways of doing things.

I agree that humans can make up rules and contracts and laws and call that "justice". They can call the administration of laws the justice system, they could even make up an idea called a department and make a new one and call it the Justice department, none of that makes "justice" anything other than a human construct. If you look at any corporation or cult or hippie commune private groups of people or associations are usually even more arbitrary and subjective!


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