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RE: The Plan to save the World

in #qanon6 years ago

Mossad is not really shit in its influence on our elections compared to all of the MSM working in unison. Trump was supposed to be a patsy, the one man so vile that Hillary could defeat him. They had a tape of him saying rude things about women, it should have been a cakewalk. I felt like at the time something was afoot because the coverage was so bizarre and it was clear that the MSM was in the tank for Trump in the primary season. I thought Hillary and Trump were in cahoots until i read the pied piper email that explained it all perfectly. Have you read the pied piper email?

There is no doubt that Trump is much better for the Israelis than Hillary would have been, for them his winning was a matter of life or death.

the over representation of Goldman Sachs in his cabinet is proof of nothing, there is not conclusion you can draw from that. Someone having once worked there does not make them some sort of magic wizard for life with the power to control the president.
Trump has a long history with Don King too, who is he an agent for?
Q is either Donald Trump acting as his own PR guy using another name, as he always has, or some kids in their basement whose tweets or whatever Trump sometimes reads.


I think you dramatically misunderstand the MSM. They aren't separate from Mossad. The intelligence agencies, Mossad premier amongst them, essentially are the MSM.

The intelligence agencies are also many opposition and affiliates. The Hegelian dialectic is a pretty fair explanation of what they do, creating two opposing camps and engineering a choice between them for the plebs (us). It works extremely well, as people are prone to human nature, and need to be members of appropriate social groups, such as Demoblicans or Republicrats, and then defend them against all reason.

Surely you know this about us.

There's a lot more to it, panoptic surveillance, taxes, on and on, but essentially my point is that the MSM is both sides of a false dichotomy, and people largely get roped into one side or the other, and that is how the Hegelian Dialectic works. Mossad is at the top of the influence heap, not negligible. Goldman Sachs is one of the key mechanisms employed to manipulate finance, war, and various rapine economic endeavors. Their possession of 5 cabinet positions demonstrates the Donald's participation in such deep state mechanisms.

Feel free to disagree. I'd be disappointed if you didn't!

Well, if Mossad is the MSM then they seem quite dismayed at Trumps election, the MSM clearly hates Trump and is working overtime to delegitimize him in every way they can.

Goldman Sachs is a really large and prominent institution, all the top people in banking are going to work there at some point in their career, how much control do your former employers have over you?

Goldman, the actual bank and not former employees, used to just give Hillary hundreds of thousands of dollars for nothing, she had an office in one of their buildings, she was the one they really wanted. Like anyone who wants to make sure they win, of course they bet on both sides whenever possible.

"...they bet on both sides whenever possible."

True as any words ever written.

so who do you think is in control of Trump and has him tweeting at 6AM, whose plan is that part of?

While I clearly have only OSINT and my gut, I reckon money. He's combating his direct competitor(s) with the team he's assembled to forward his personal interests, which are considering how best to massage the public to secure his immediate and medium range future, while coordinating with real money to secure his long range future by meeting their needs.

Real money is what's moving foreign policy across the ME. Particular multinationals bring proposals, and he tries to glide a clean path through the networks using the skills that got him where he is.

He's working closely with PR/Propaganda firms like Psygroup, Black Cube, and others, along with the various security agencies, who provide him the best intel and advice money can buy. His own expertise, with the help of his closest advisors, spawns the tweets.

He's damn good at it!

So this is just all Donald Trump's plan to become rich?

Clearly not, as Trump isn't the only player. As far as he alone is concerned, that's my best guess as to his strongest personal motivation.

I don't know what's in his head, and all I can do is observe actions and compare them to rhetoric. What I see is what I report. More than that I cannot do more than guess at.

What I do not see is significant, as I do not see the surveillance reined in, the swamp drained, or ME peace. Therefore I do not 'trust the plan' that claims these things are happening.

Israel claims that Trump requested they rescue the White Helmet terrorists. As far as I can tell, this is the truth. All I can do is thank God they aren't going to be granted refuge in the US, and pity the peoples that will be hosting them. Leopards don't change spots, and they will continue to do what they do best, wherever they are.

That request indicates continuation of the policies of prior administrations, not a clean break, and that's what I see. What I can't see I can't reckon.

Ultimately, I see much propaganda and spin, and the Trump policies don't effectively prevent the depredations prior administration's inflicted on Americans.

When I see surveillance curtailed, the perps prosecuted, the banksters defunded, and Americans freer, I'll believe those are Trump's purpose. Until I see them, I won't.

As far as he alone is concerned, that's my best guess as to his strongest personal motivation.
I don't know what's in his head, and all I can do is observe actions and compare them to rhetoric. What I see is what I report. More than that I cannot do more than guess at.

You should read Donald Trump's book, its a great window into how he thinks and what motivates him. I think if you read his book you would come to different conclusions.

The white helmet terrorists are all foreign agents and that's why were evacuated, it's weird because it seemed like Trump knew what was up and had pulled their funding but then their funding was restored. You can know the white helmet terrorists are bad because NPR was running a puff piece on them yesterday calling them "the white helmet rescuers".

Perhaps Trump sees some strategic value in continuing the proxy war with Russia for the time being. Maybe he wants to prolong the conflict to show he is not with Putin, hard to say.

This court Trump is molding will make us freer for a generation, they already have. Did you miss where they just made it so you don't have to join a progressive supporting union just to work a government job anymore?

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