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RE: Brazilian government used Zika as a cover up for spreading toxic larvicide | Microcephaly

in #informationwar6 years ago

not "wiped out" it would be much more accurate to say "helped to combat", for example there were advances in wound care and a antitoxin developed before the tetanus vaccine "wiped out" tetanus in vaccinated people in the developed world. Indeed knowing germs existed and caused disease was the first step and had a definite effect. To claim that soap and water wiped out polio or smallpox is a little silly. I think its hard for modern people to appreciate what the world was like prior to vaccines wiping out disease.


There is much evidence that improved hygiene enabled the reduction in infectious disease, and scant that vaccines did much at all, since the improvement in hygiene had done the work prior to vaccination.

I am utterly confident that injecting toxic metals into infants (as is done in vaccination) has not contributed to good public health.

"there is much evidence that improved hygiene enabled the reduction in infectious disease, and scant that vaccines did much at all, since the improvement in hygiene had done the work prior to vaccination."

There is loads of evidence that vaccination is highly effective for things like polio, smallpox, tetanus and others but you would reject it as propaganda right?

Look at the statistics for neonatal tetanus anywhere vaccination has been implemented. How many kids do you know with polio?
Do honestly think that's because handwashing?

There is no doubt that propaganda is delivered in as generous doses as are vaccines.

However, that veil is starting to be lifted. Vaccines have caused outbreaks of polio, for example, and may be causing identical disease presently (but it's not called polio!).

Handwashing is a big part of hygiene, but as you know there's much more to it.

I don't believe that the concept of vaccination is insipid. I do believe that the agonists, preservatives, and other factors that are added to the mix are much more harmful than we are told.

Vaccines are part of a corrupt industry, and taking the corruption out of the science would be a good thing. Failing to acknowledge the corruption of the science, and the industry, can be fatal.

Newborns don't need to be vaccinated for HepB, and vaccinating them for it does a lot of harm. MMR doesn't need to be delivered with aluminum and thimerosol, and really doesn't need to be done.

I have had two of those diseases, as did most kids back in the day, and they were inconvenient. Not as inconvenient as autism.

Industrial profits have deranged medicine and science. That doesn't necessarily mean that vaccines don't prevent deadly disease, but it does mean they need to be done far, far differently.

I do believe that the agonists, preservatives, and other factors that are added to the mix are much more harmful than we are told.

I think that is totally possible yet that does not negate the millions if not billions of lives that have been saved by vaccines even with questionable preservatives.
I have been reading a lot of these anti vaccine screeds and their claim is that a few thousand people have claimed vaccine injuries. I pointed out how injecting anything in the number of people that get vaccines would lead to injuries and deaths, off hand I claimed even saline solution injected in that many people would have a fair number of shoulder injuries, infections and other injuries. But then I looked it up, turns out that 50,000- 70,000 people in the US are killed annually by unnecessary IV saline.

Do you have a vaccine that kills 50,000- 70,000 a year?

While there are lots of questions that people mistakenly assume answers to, there is gross negligence and abuse of propaganda to mislead people as to vaccine safety.

We don't know if there's a vaccine that causes that many injuries because the science is hopelessly corrupted. The CDC is essentially a rubberstamp for industry crafted policy. The injuries caused by vaccines are concealed. Doctors are told people that have concerns about vaccines are dangers to their children, and courts take their children away - without sound science being done to prove vaccines are even worthwhile.

I do not believe that vaccines have saved millions and billions of lives. There's no science behind that statement at all.

Just propaganda, and sales pitches for Big Pharma products, mandated and forced on people by courts and armed thugs.

If there was good science behind it, force would not be necessary, and evolution would take care of lunatics that didn't believe it.

IMHO, the propaganda, deception, and armed thugs are strong evidence that such science as exists is utter horseshit. People generally don't want to kill their children with horrible diseases, and it isn't necessary to steal children to save them from their parents.

Particularly by injecting those children with known neurotoxins.

I do not believe that vaccines have saved millions and billions of lives. There's no science behind that statement at all.

There is vast and varied evidence to support that claim but you reject it all out of hand. Force is seldom necessary, the vast majority of people willingly comply, the law in California is just another example of authoritarianism of progressives left unrestrained. the solution to people not vaccinating their children is not force its education. The Gardasil vaccine being questionable for example does not mean that other vaccines have not saved millions. Before vaccines and in places where people are unvaccinated death from communicable diseases is commonplace, things that we don't worry about at all in modern times in developed nations. Convince yourself that washing hands is the difference but they knew about washing hands in Africa before they started vaccinations against tetanus and lots of babies died from tetanus until they started the vaccination programs. Lots of people died from smallpox before the vaccine was invented. smallpox was responsible for an estimated 300-500 million deaths in the 20th century before finally being officially eradicated in the late 1970s. How many people die from smallpox vaccine?

Do consider my comments about corruption, propaganda, and the CDC when discussing the 'science'. Studies produces by pharmaceutical companies indemnified by the USG for harm committed by their products are worth absolutely nothing.

I have never said that vaccines are without value. Smallpox is the first vaccine ever used, and it did not involve toxic metals, wasn't grown on aborted human foetus', and wasn't patented by Big Pharma.

We don't know how many died from smallpox vaccine, because there is no science that investigates the question.

Smallpox also isn't extinct. It's currently kept alive in labs. It's also likely to be extant in graves. Don't jump the shark.

You have not addressed the obvious detrimental health epidemics that good science shows has been caused by vaccines like MMR, which definitely is shown to cause dementia and autism, via a cause that is demonstrable and reproducible in the lab. Thimerasol, aluminum, and other metals cause these health problems, and they're in MMR. More people are harmed by MMR vaccine than are helped by it. Scientists that do the research are blackballed and excoriated by industry and their shills in government and the media.

Ignore these truths at your own risk.

I was going to put "extinct" in quotation marks but then I skipped it.

"We don't know how many died from smallpox vaccine, because there is no science that investigates the question."

I think if it was hundreds of millions someone would have noticed. The CDC does not hide the dangers of vaccines nor do doctors, when you get the vaccine you get a packet of information describing the risks of various adverse reactions, these risks are well documented.

"A major contribution to smallpox vaccination was made in the 1960s by Benjamin Rubin, an American microbiologist working for Wyeth Laboratories. Based on initial tests with textile needles with the eyes cut off transversely half-way he developed the bifurcated needle. This was a sharpened two-prong fork designed to hold one dose of reconstituted freeze-dried vaccine by capillarity.[1] Easy to use with minimum training, cheap to produce ($5 per 1000), using four times less vaccine than other methods, and repeatedly re-usable after flame sterilization, it was used globally in the WHO Smallpox Eradication Campaign from 1968.[61] Rubin estimated that it was used to do 200 million vaccinations per year during the last years of the campaign.[1] Those closely involved in the campaign were awarded the "Order of the Bifurcated Needle". This, a personal initiative by Donald Henderson, was a lapel badge, designed and made by his daughter, formed from the needle shaped to form an "O". This represented "Target Zero", the objective of the campaign.[62] "

read the whole article the history is fascinating:

Inoculation for smallpox does not appear to have been widespread in China until the reign era of the Longqing Emperor (r. 1567–1572) during the Ming Dynasty.[8] In China, powdered smallpox scabs were blown up the noses of the healthy. The patients would then develop a mild case of the disease and from then on were immune to it. The technique did have a 0.5–2.0% mortality rate, but that was considerably less than the 20–30% mortality rate of the disease itself.

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