
No. Am I a victim of hearsay? Is there a chance that the goal is to reduce the western nations to developing countries? I should probably read it...

  • yes.
  • No, if you read it almost all of the activities and initiatives take place in undeveloped nations, the only real involvement of western nations is in providing undeveloped countries with technical information and education on best practices and sustainable development and of course funding some of these efforts but a lot of it has to do with developing undeveloped markets. If there is any nefarious intentions it is really geared towards western commercial development of third world countries and doing that in a organized and sustainable way. No part of the plan would be advanced by randomly burning down people's suburban homes in Northern California with space lasers.

Ah, but @funbobby51, we just had a talk about how the principles of legislation are 'good', while the execution of law misses the mark and serves the interests of governments and corporations. Few agents of globalism are as brazen as the Fabian Society, publishing their shield featuring a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"The Better Baby Contest" is the first example that comes to my mind, in relation to the 'sweet language' of social engineering. In this case, it was a vehicle for promoting eugenics.

A few years ago I was agitated to find banks investing in Asia to 'educate' them about sustainable economic development. These are civilizations that have existence for thousands of years. That's sustainability in action, while western ideas of 'development' and 'prosperity' are not long-lived and do far more damage to delicate ecosystems. We are going through the Sixth Great Extinction.

I love showing people this graph. See that little hiccup around 1953? That marks a decline in human population simultaneous to an upsurge in extinction. Do you know what happened in 1953? The whole planet "progressed" in western-style technology. 1953 is when the Cold War officially began and the 'developed countries' began testing nukes. It's also the period when the polio epidemic arose. Note that radiation sickness alters the bones in the same way that 'polio' does.–1955

No part of humanity at large, nor life on this planet is advanced by nukes, but that hasn't stopped governments and corporations from nuclear proliferation, leading to extinction of vertebrate species. Some of the fission products, being novel, end up in bones and teeth, so we are radiated from within. Strontium-90, Cesium-137, Iodine-131 didn't exist before 1942, so we are only now adapting to the presence of these novel elements in the environment. That's why all vertebrate species are seeing an increase in cancer. Progress?

What law-makers write and what they do, are not even comparable. What is the name of the agenda that "would be advanced by randomly burning down people's suburban homes in Northern California with space lasers"?

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