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RE: CO2 has no effect on global warming.

in #discussion6 years ago

A large volcanic eruption does have a significant impact on the climate as well, that does not mean domesticating livestock and deforesting and cultivating millions of acres of land has no impact on the atmosphere.
I think we have discussed the methane potential of one cow haven't we?

Just because all life as we know it on earth could be wiped out at any second by a super volcano does not mean we should pretend that all the things we do don't have any effects. There are a lot of factors that influence the climate, it's not just one thing.


millions of volcanoes on the ocean floor.
hundreds if not thousands erupting constantly.
and you worry about cow farts?

What about the million member buffalo herd that once roamed the continental US, migrating north to south with the seasons?

or the multimillion passenger pigeons...that were so numerous that they darkened the sky..
did they influence climate too?

I wouldn't say I worry about them, I don't try to pretend they don't exist or that I am unaware of them.

millions of volcanoes? I couldn't find a number for the ocean floor but I think you may want to revisit your source for that

There are approximately 500 active volcanoes in the world today, not including those underneath the oceans. In fact, as you read these words, there are probably 20 volcanoes erupting right now. Between 50-70 volcanoes are erupting every year, 160 have erupted in the last decade.

So there are 20 volcanoes erupting, obviously they have an impact, but why would you think burning close 3 to billion gallons a day of petroleum based fuels has none?

Yes the buffalo also had an effect except they didn't extract CO2 that they emitted from deep within the earth like we do at the rate of almost a trillion gallons a year.

If those pigeons still did that they would certainly have an effect on the climate.

the pacific is where most surface volcanoes are too, the ring of fire, so I don't know why we would extrapolate that. The good thing about underwater volcanoes is that their effect, if any, on the atmosphere is hard to measure because they don't shoot any clouds of ash gasses or whatever directly into it.

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