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RE: Here's something else for you to get your panties in a wad over.

in #discussion6 years ago

yeah, except the money is not really in making foods more nutritious, people seldom breed or use genetic modification to achieve greater nutrition, sometimes they might but most of the time they will be modified to accept herbicides and/or to last longer on the shelf or in a package. There is a modified apple, it is modified so it does not turn brown when sliced up and put in a package of apple dippers at McDonalds, so McDonalds can shave a fraction of a cent off the cost of a bag of apple dippers because they don't have to spray any acetic acid on the apple slices.


maybe..but irrelevant to the article.

the article mentioned greater shelf life as a goal, even though there are a guys working on making different color kiwis and apples that does not mean that is really a series focus of industry. The article noted that they already had the red flesh apples and funny tasting strawberries and that it was really difficult to introduce new things like that into the market place

GASP do you mean
it'll banned in Boston?

they did ban eggs from caged chickens, not that I was eating those anyways.

I was thinking something a bit more radical.
You've heard of 'beefsteak' tomatoes?
REAL beef?

why not?

I don't even care to try the non-red tomatoes they have in the store.

do you eat bread that used yeast in it's preparation or is that too technological?

depends if I have to flee Egypt in a hurry or not.

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