Daily Thoughts - 09 Nov 17 - Homesteading Today...

in #life7 years ago

The sun was out this morning, but it sure wasn’t providing any warmth. :D

While I was feeding the boys their bottles, my husband @timmyoflinn, borrowed my phone to get me the best pictures of our pond, for me to include with my post today...let us know what you think of them. :D

Our goldfish don’t seem to mind living under the ice…I’d be too cold to swim in the pond myself…but they look like they’re thriving and there are more in there this year than there were last year, so it can’t be too cold for them. :D

As you can see, we have varying sizes of goldfish in our pond…I’m not sure if their size is dependant on age or not, but if it is, that big one must be a few years old at least. :D

These guys would have to be young, if their size is determined by age, that is. :D
We were worried, that the low levels of the pond this summer, would mean the end of our goldfish but we’re very grateful that they seem to be thriving and thankfully, the pond filled (and overflowed) during the rain last week. :D
I took this picture on the way back to the house, after the feedings/chores were complete…I thought it looked cool because of the ice crystals… :D

Do you think the crystals make it look neat too or do you think I wasted my time taking this picture? :D

The sky looks so pretty with those shades of blue and the little chemical trails and bits of cloud in it. :D

Candy (foreground) and Princess (background), just coming out of the barn and deciding whether to head to the front pasture to taunt the puppy dogs or the big pasture in the backyard for their breakfast hay. :D

This, sadly, was the best picture that I got of Belle this morning…she wasn’t in a cooperative, pose for the camera, kind of mood this morning…nope, she was in a, get into everything she’s not supposed to get into, kind of mood. :D

Here’s one of our handsome boys, Buddy, “helping” (…you know by getting in his way and trying to headbutt him in the butt or crotch…) my husband, clean out his stall, LOL. :D

Joker, wasn’t sure whether he wanted to go play outside or lay down in the straw for a nap after his breakfast. :D

Here are our boys, Buddy (left) and Joker (right), they are trying to eat my jacket while I’m trying to get a clear picture of the two of them together…look at the crazy eyebrows on Joker…he’s got the eyebrows of a very old gentleman…they grow out and hang in many directions, its so cute. :D At least I think its cute. :D

Princess was on her way to the big pasture but decided to spend a little time with this salt lick on her way there. :D

Candy (left) and Belle (right) were happily enjoying their lunch when we came out of the barn after feeding the boys their lunch bottles. :D

Karma (left), Tiny (right foreground), Lady (right center) and Mya (right background), were all debating if the trouble they’d get into would be worth hopping the fence to go say hi to the herd. They decided it was better just to exchange “barks” and “moos” instead, thankfully. :D

Shadow is now thinking about hopping the fence… but Mya (behind him) talked him out of it… or maybe he just realized I was standing there and decided he didn’t want to see my upset face…who knows for sure? :D

Dakota was playing with that orange ball behind him but then he caught the scent of something that distracted him. :D

Belle (left), Princess (center), and Candy (right) in the big pasture in the backyard…they didn’t seem to do a lot together today like they normally do…I’m not sure why, but they all seemed to be in an odd mood this afternoon.
My son and I went into town to do some errands, but I couldn’t complete one of them until tomorrow, so off to town again tomorrow I go. Hopefully, I remember to do everything I didn’t get done today. :D

I made a simple supper of Wild Rice and Mild Italian Sausages for supper tonight…it wasn’t pretty, but that’s okay because it was delicious… :D
Here are a couple pictures of our lovely sunset tonight…I was lucky to get them while our supper was in the oven… and some of them turned out. :D

The colors behind this blurry tree are pretty, hues of orange, pink, blue, and grey…so pretty. :D

The contrast between the landscape, which is all dark, and the gorgeous orange, yellow, blue, grey, purple and pink hues in this picture are lovely, to me at least. What do you think? :D

Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D


What a great day! Life on the homestead is great. I love how cold it is there. We live in a warmer climate and it doesn't seem to freeze hard here. We always plan for the animals to be warm in the winter, but they never seem to need it.

You are very lucky there. :D We usually freeze over pretty good here and the snowfall is insane some years, but not too bad other years...I'm hoping this one will be somewhere in the middle. :D
In past years we've ended up having newborn piglets in our living room because they were unexpected and it was too cold in the barn for them to survive, but we don't have piglets this yea,r and the girls should provide plenty of body heat for the bob calves and chickens, especially with the wind barriers my husband has up in the barn. :D
Have an awesome day! :D

Yeah, that is amazing. We are actually looking to move two states north in the spring. Hopefully next winter we will be in a place that is super cold and we are having to figure out how to keep everything from dying!

Good luck with your move two states north in the spring, it will be a lot of work, but in the end it will be worth it I'm sure. :D Someday, we are going to have a greenhouse here so that we can grow stuff year round and not have to worry about it freezing. :D
Have an awesome day!

Its not too bad yet...another month or so and your exposed skin will freeze in less than 10 minutes...that's when its really cold here. :D Your tears freeze on your face as they fall down. Good times. :D LOL. :D

We're heading the opposite way.

You are very lucky. :D I'm hoping this winter will be one without power outages...a girl can dream, eh...LOL. :D

You have a very beautiful homestead

Awe, thank you very much, we love it and think its beautiful too. :D Have an awesome day! :D

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