Alert !! Any service is voting on my behalf ! Alerta !! Poden estar usando tua Posting key !!

in #education6 years ago

Hello, Steemians !!

For a while ago I had several services with publication and voting permits and I realized that some of them were voting on my behalf without permission.
I have unsubscribed using steem.connect

Olá, República.
Fai un rato tiña un monte de servizos con permisos de publicación e votación e decateime que algún de eles estaba votando no meu nome sin permiso.
Os din de baixa con steem.connect

Some of the connected services were not detected by Steem Connect, so I had to use the manual mode, by typing the following in the browser bar:

Algúns dos servizos conectados non eran detectados por Steem Connect, polo que tiven que usar o modo manual, escribindo o seguinte na barra do navegador:

The patience did not give me to eliminate one by one to find the usurper.
You are warned.

A pacencia non me deu para revocar os permisos un a un para atopar ó usurpador.
Estás avisado.

Read screenshot:
The lower vote was scheduled. The receiver and % voting.confirms it.
The other votes, up to the reward levy were made by a supplant.

Lectura da captura da pantalla:
O voto inferior estába programado. O confirma o receptor e o % de voto.
Os outros votos, ata o cobro de recompensa foron feitos por un suplantador.


  • Lesson (again)
    If you have the keys, they are your tokens.
    If you do not have the keys, they are not your tokens.

  • Lección (Outra vez)
    Se posúes as chaves, son teus tokens.
    Se non posúes as chaves, non son teus tokens.


You wouldn't be able to use Utopian if you didn't enter your active private key into Steem Connect. I used a program I wrote to get when this was voted for from the blockchain:

    python3 freyman 24906 10000 | grep 'first-it-was-artificial-inflation'

So the output was

    [24841, {'trx_id': '3077278e34181cc76882c5e834b3636382ff53e6', 'block': 23664288, 'trx_in_block': 41, 'op_in_trx': 0, 'virtual_op': 0, 'timestamp': '2018-06-26T16:00:45', 'op': ['vote', {'voter': 'freyman', 'author': 'bitcoinflood', 'permlink': 'first-it-was-artificial-inflation-now-it-could-be-artificial-deflation', 'weight': 10000}]}]

Maybe you can examine the transaction signature and see whether the transaction was signed with your private key or the private key of Steem Connect.

Thanks a lot for your information, @leprechaun.
I do not think it was utopian who used the keys to vote. I did not know what labels to put on and I remembered the trojan horse that happened in utopian and that's why I tagged it (and also to get the attention of the community for help).
But, can you help me even more?

How would anyone know who has operated on my behalf with this result in signatures ?

or else .. Where do I read the signatures in that pile of numbers?



Thanks again !!


Gracias por compartir la información!

Os outros votos, ata o cobro de recompensa foron feitos por un suplantador

Maybe I'll include this part in my post, which I periodically compile on the basis of studying blogs.

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