My Life vs. My Obesity | Story of Carole G.

in #life8 years ago

All started at the age of 7 years, after a family problem, which I have not spoken to anyone, I began to take a little and after a lot of weight. I lived with that excess weight for 29 years.

Sometimes my weight made me suffer but they served me carapaces !!!!! They never bothered me in my work: I did a lot of animations in children's recreation centers, holiday resort, then I worked 10 years in the nightclub where I animated a karaoke.
But seeing the past years so quickly, like many women desire to be mom was increasingly strong. But all the doctors, I was talking to my desires, always brought me back to his cursed kilos : 1m64 and 145 kg. Impossible to carry a pregnancy to term without problems and impossible not to consider that I could die.

The only option open to me was to use a stomach surgery gastroplasty :
Consists in placing a silicone ring, whose size is changeable (or not) around the upper portion of the stomach.

Not easy to take such a decision because all the testimony I could read health magazines or hear in the media doesn't reassure me.

Until the day the manager of the bar, where I was taking my coffee before going work, said she has undergone this surgery.
All my friends have started talking to me, trying to convince me to talk to this woman to know her lived on this experience what the gastroplatie. I went to see her, she told me how it had happened to her and she quickly gave me the name of his doctor/surgeon, the phone number of his medical office, so I take a first contact for discuss with this doctor. The next day I had an appointment date.

I go to this appointment, I didn't wait, the doctor received me immediately: no time to stress!
It was very clear :

"You are morbidly obese! You decide, I'll operated or in less than 2 or 3 years you are dead ! "

The surgeon told me everything well and that was not going to be easy after the operation because many people don't accept their new body after losing weight very important : this surgery could make me lose 50% of my weight. My life could change but the laying of this ring would be final ...

I came away from the whole consultation disoriented by this announcement. I went home to recover from what he had told me, and it was very hard. But I had to take my quick decision without asking any questions about the disadvantages : they are many. I had to concentrate on the advantages that today are many !!!!!!

My decision was made, I contacted the surgeon to schedule the surgery.
During the 4 months that followed, I made examinations : radio lungs, ultrasound of the stomach, liver, pancreas. I met a psychologist, many times, that will agree to this surgery. 4 months have passed so quickly but I was a priest!

The day of the operation was a day like no other: I was going to sleep to wake up in a new life, where everything is make or remake. 2 days after my operation I spent sleeping, and little by little I was recovering in shape. When I left the hospital, after a week I had lost 10 kilos so quickly !
The return was in my house was very difficult ! I had to feed me in a new way, the meal was limited to small portions : a quantity equivalent to half of an yoghurt pot.

The first visible results, arrived after one month : I had lost 50 kg

In 6 months, I had lost half my initial weight : 70kg.

All this weight loss wasn't without consequences for my health. During the year that followed my surgery, I was very tired and I had to pause my job. In the same period I made someone's met (now my husband) and all my friends had been very supportive and very much present, all this helped me a lot .

Share between the joy of weight loss and all the problems of daily, it was not easy every day. It was hard to see me lose weight and be sick with each bite. One day I had planned to do the reverse operation: make me remove the ring and get my life back.
Not to spoil anything, I took the decision consulted a psychologist who helped me a lot. At first he made me talk to understand why my weight gain for all these years !?
He will eventually understand and say :

"Your weight gain was related to the fact that you don't want people looking at you, no one can love you or make compliments. You hide behind your kilos, it became your alibi! "

When I left his office, I was calmed and everything he said was true and he was right. I held on and I did it. I am proud of myself, even though I suffered a lot for a period !!!!!

By cons, losing weight means that the skin is much stretch and that without reconstructive surgery, it's not possible to remove all the skin too. So I had to do multiple reconstructive surgery.

  • 3 years after the laying of the ring, I had surgery to remove skin excess belly: it's called the abdominoplasie. Results of this operation: 7 kg of skin removed and 4 liters of fat.
  • 5 years later, I do breast surgery to reshape my chest. In this same the surgeon also operated me thighs to remove the skin too.

The question of becoming a mother will never leave me, but I had to wait at least 1 year after the last surgery.

One question tormented me about of pregnancy : "Did I gain weight when I have a gastric band and after all these operations ???"

The surgeon quickly reassured me by telling me that many of his patients had many children while living in the same situation as me. They had not kept the kilos took during pregnancy and that they had breastfed their child. With my partner so we decided to become a parent! It took a long time because having lost weight my body had been full of changes, but 8 years after my surgery I became mom !!!! (The weight that I took during my pregnancy (12kg) did not stay :)

A few years later, it was necessary for me to go to the evidence, the surgeon who had my reconstructive surgery, told me that I should think about doing a surgery arm.
He was right again, 11 years after the laying of my ring, so I had to do a surgery arm because my skin was very distended. You could see a lot and when the sunny days were there, I never dressed with clothes with short sleeves.

In conclusion, there are now 15 years that I have been made to gastroplasty, my ring is still in place and I have no desire to have it removed. I do'nt regret took this decision even if some people tried to dissuade me. With this decision to change my life, I became a mom, I met the love and I would say also that it allowed me to continue to LIVE !!!!!!!

Despite hard times, I recommend this surgery for the person who wants to change his life against the overweight.


Wow thanks for sharing your moving an emotional post! UPVOTED!

I am really sorry to say this but this kind of surgeries are quite dangerous. Especially after 2 or 3 days after the surgery took place. Please state your facts straight because bypass gastric surgery can be life threatening and everyone should make sure to go to the best doctor available.
Congratulations to your success though :) I know people who did this and they still got back to their old lifestyle, eating unhealthy and gaining back the weight.

You have been through a lot
Thanks for sharing, I enjoy these types of posts

A great story! What a courage you have!

Well done on your weightless! i struggle with weight all my life, even if it doesnt seem like that! you did so well ! Im very proud of you!

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