How I handle life when it isn't in my timing

in #dtube5 years ago

Today is cow moving day on the farm. We are taking the herd feom one piece of the property Back to the main farm. big deal. Today...less than ideal.

The weather is beautiful. The family is excited and doing their best. We all have a head cold and the sniffles, and it makes things that much more uncomfortable.

We started with moving the bull which went extremely well. Then we started taking loads of cows over, still going well. Now...there is one cow ..just one..and she refuses to cooperate.

Have you ever faces something in your life that did not line up with your ideal timing? Maybe a spiritual break through, a family thing, a job thing? What did you do.

I have come to the conclusion that maybe it isn't about my timing. Maybe there is something bigger at play and I can't see it. Maybe whatever is messing up my timing is helping something else!

Be well
~The Yeti

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I feel your pain. Nothing more frustrating than a cow that doesn’t cooperate;)

that is for sure. It all worked out though, Praise Jesus. It was an incredible experience for sure.

Yeah, there's nothing like little kids and animals to keep us humble.

They'll cooperate when they want to cooperate, and sometimes we can speed things up . . . and sometimes we simply have to be patient. Which sometimes seriously sucks. But that's life.

Good luck with getting the cow loaded, and I hope you're all feeling a lot better directly! Peace!

Hey! So we got her all loaded up and brought back to the main farm. Everything is all sorted, and we are slowly melting into the couch and thinking about resting haha.

Sounds like a well deserved rest. Have a great weekend!

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