How To Be A Real Content Creator

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

How to be a "real" content creator. That sounds like it could have several interpretations, and I am talking about one of those today!

I have been steadily creating content since mid 2017. That may not be that long, but dang, it feels like a life time. I have talked about many different things, but never really found "the thing". You know what I'm talking about. The thing that just clicks and then boom...1 million subscribers haha.

I have struggled with inventing myself and reinventing my character, but it really all came down to one thing....

Just be real!

If I am myself then I will never struggle for content and I will never break character. I will always be genuine because it is always really who I am. I am still learning to not pull punches though. Maybe that will be "the thing", just letting my thoughts fly with both barrels.

It is always a trick to achieve a desired outcome. I suppose once we find what we really want then the rest will fall into place. As a vlogger, there is alot of time, effort and energy in the video...but some how if I also don't write a whole book it gets less attention.

Maybe one day I will figure it all out, but for now it is just me! Make sure to hit subscribe or follow or like. Stay tuned!

Be well.
~The Yeti

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I have unsteadily been making content for... umm, some time?

And, to be honest with myself... who am i?

Haha I dont think any of us know who we are. I keep creating, hopefully it will help or entertain someone...i know it helps me

Amen brother, I try keep it real though the persona I use was given to be and is reflecting of how I feel most days... I am just eating life’s bucket of sh.. and trying to make sense regurgitating it in the d00k13 digest.

Hard part for me is the real me is not going to entertain anyone myself being lost in misery, almost like through pushing positivity I aim to influence myself. I learned very early on the real me is not appreciated for being raw and I must present a character.

i think we should do what we love

and take care of the ones we do

first of all

considering where ive been i havent been unreal ever since

I create because I enjoy it. It ministers to me. If others happen to get on board, that's a bonus. :-)

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