Crowdfunding, the New Way to get Support for Businesses and Projects

Crowdfunding is way for people to generate money for projects and businesses. With its aim at hand by people executing it, crowdfunding is required to help fetch money for its people. There are a lot of crowdfunding campaigns in the world and a lot of them do not get funded, even if Isaac Newton had a brilliant idea in this world currently, he will require a lot of skills to get people to fund his idea. So how do you get people to support financially on your crowdfunding campaign.


Getting backers for your project or business is important and people will only invest or support businesses or project that catches their attention or they know it will be profitable. Crowdfunding isn’t about selling brand and products or your idea, it is about gaining attraction into getting funds.

Most crowdfunding have limited time frame and in other to reach the goal, it is important to get the campaign to everywhere possible and in other to this, a lot of campaign marketers advice the use of emails for communication. Using emails is a good way to directly communicate with your targeted audience, also another important way of getting your targeted audience is messaging.


With messaging, there is a high probability that your target will read through their messages and get the information needed to support the crowdfunding but either you are sending a mail or a message, it is important that the topic to the message being passed in a way that the receiver is willing to open the mail. Crowdfunding has become the new way for people to get funding for businesses and project.

 4 years ago 

Hello, dear @frederickbangs.

Crowdfunding has become the new way for people to get funding for businesses and project.

Brother, crowdfunding isn't new at all.

There are specialized platforms that allow obtaining resources to finance projects. Similar to crowdfunfing, but with the application of smart contracts.
In this way, the resources provided are blocked until the beneficiary demonstrates progress in his project. It also provides the opportunity for sponsors to withdraw the capital contributed if the beneficiary does not meet the established goals.

As I told you, the concept of crowdfunding is not new, nor is it effective to finance projects.
But what is currently known as DeFi, is nothing more than a great Crowdfunding. Since many people put their capital in the projects they want to support. The difference is that with DeFi you get ROI.

Crowdfunfing is currently used to collect humanitarian resources, most of all.
You can see this portal: (centralized) (decentralized)

Thanks a lot for educating me in this regard, I will make further research about this topic.

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