After Life: Ricky Gervais with suicidal tendencies

While I was waiting for the premiere of the 3rd and last season of Dark (which I already saw and in a few days I will talk a little about it) I set out to see a series that I had pending for quite some time: After Life, I had great expectations with this series because its creator and main character is Ricky Gervais, and for those who know this actor, you know that he handles a rather transgressive and black humor, something that I personally liked a lot. So, as I had mentioned before, after watching The Office, I felt like watching another comedy series, I had others in mind but I decided to watch After Life because of the above, and the truth is that I expected a series with a little more humor, but, I'm not complaining. It has a lot of humor, but above all it's a pretty dramatic series with touches of black humor, which, I repeat, I expected After Life to have a little more of that humor that Ricky Gervais is so fond of, but I still liked it quite a bit and it leaves a pretty deep and real message about depression and suicide.

After Life tells us Tony's story, he works as a journalist for a rather small newspaper in a fictional city in England. However, unfortunately for Tony, his wife dies of cancer, which plunges our protagonist into the deepest depression of his life, to the point that he becomes suicidal.

Throughout the series, while we meet several colorful and eccentric characters, Tony will somehow try to overcome everything he is going through, however reaching moments where he has been on the verge of suicide. The series shows in a comical way, always with the characteristic humor of this actor, the pain and suffering that a person has for the loss of a loved one. But, at least in the case of this character, he always looks for some excuse not to commit the final act.

After Life, despite the fact that, as I mentioned, it doesn't have the level of humour I expected, since it's more of a dramatic series with some touches of black humour than a comedy, it's still a good series, and even in some episodes I got a knot in my throat because of the main character's situation, which, despite the fact that I've never lived through any situation like that, really makes you feel a lot of empathy for him. The moments of humor are not going to be missing either, that makes it quite well and with really good performances.

It's a good series and very short, with two seasons of 6 chapters each and barely half an hour long, that in one day you look at it completely. Highly recommended.

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