We must learn that not everything is in our hands.

Hello dear friends, I hope you are very well, today I come with an interesting topic, something that sometimes happens to all of us and is that we usually do not worry about things that are not in our hands or in our control, we can not control everything that happens either to us or around us, we must accept what we can change or control and what we can not.

It is a little difficult at times but controlling our emotions is part of it.



Among the things that we can have in our control are our decisions, our actions, our mistakes, everything or almost everything that has to do with ourselves, but not what has to do with other people, we cannot let the actions of others or what others think of us affect us, that is a very common mistake, we live to make others happy and we forget what we really want ourselves.

If there is something that does not make us happy or does not give us peace of mind, that is not the place or the person.



All these years away from my country have helped me to realize that it is not worth it to want to be in control of everything because that is impossible, we should not worry about a future that has not yet arrived and a past that has no more reparation, just move forward and give the best of us, be better people, learn from failures and fill ourselves with experience.

Life changes you overnight, do not cling to anything because we do not know how long it will last, today we are doctors and tomorrow we do not know, so it happened to my partner and me and I think it was the best, today we have great knowledge about money and we are much better, calmer, we are independent, we do not get carried away by what people say or whether or not you were a professional, today that has no great relevance.

With all this I want you to know that you can change your decision whenever you want, do not think about others, think about yourself and what you want for the future, for your life and your peace of mind, that is worth more than many opinions. Whoever loves you will respect them.

Thanks for reading my post!!!! :)





You are right @franyeligonzalez in many occasions we assume or pretend to assume control of our whole life, without realizing that the opposite is happening.
With this I do not mean that being disciplined and planning our existence is bad, on the contrary it helps us a lot but we must be clear that at some point this organization will get out of control and we must be mature enough to pick up the pace according to the variants generated.

Excellent reading that you have shared with us

Hello friend, thank you for your message.

Greetings dear friend @franyeligonzalez, yener control of our lives is essential to achieve success, which is why what other people say about us is irrelevant, we must live our own life with our successes and failures. Excellent reflection that you have shared with us, Thank you.

Hello friend, thank you for your message.

hello @franyeligonzalez
there is a saying that goes "god give me patience to accept what I cannot change and give me strength to change what I can change then give me the understanding to see the difference", I believe that as entrepreneurs we should only focus on the things we should do in the best way, the result of those well executed actions we leave to god, things change that is normal but our way of doing things should only improve with time because if we do things better at some point the results will be similar to what we expect.

Hi friend, we should focus on ourselves and achieving our goals and nothing else.

Hello @franyeligonzalez, You are quite right, sometimes we worry more about the things that others expect of us than about our own needs and dreams, there are things that do not depend on our opinion and that we simply cannot solve, what if we must take care with priority are ours emotional, affective, and even economic needs that are also important, if we are good with ourselves, we can help others in some way.

See you

Hello dear friend, thank you for commenting, it's like that we have no control over others.

I really love this post because that's how I feel, control sometimes takes energy away from us... and we definitely need to know how to handle it... let go, flow and breathe.... Good post

Hello friend, thank you very much for your message.

Hi @franyeligonzalez
This is a reality that we cant control everything and that's why its better to focus on this that we can handle ina. better way. Indeed not everything is in our hands and we have to let go of many things. A big example is our work life and we can get many instances that can make us realize this. Nice post

That's right my friend, a great example, we must focus on what we can change. Greetings.

Greetings @franyeligonzalez, I certainly share your opinion on this topic that you just presented. Things in life are usually uncertain and therefore there will be situations that are beyond your reach and worrying or blaming you do not achieve anything, on the contrary implement a new plan of action to improve or simply turn the page and continue that good things are to come.

Hello friend, it's good to have you here, thanks for your message, greetings!

Greetings friend, the illusion of wanting to have everything under control is very common, I think it is part of the fears that surround us, having everything under control we believe that nothing will surprise us and we can react as planned, but there is much room for uncertainty and I prefer to handle this than strive to control everything, I am aware that it is almost impossible to have everything under control.

Hello friend, it is true, many of us want everything to be as we plan it but that is not the reality.

Greetings @ franyeligonzalez
There are people who are very controlling and think they can make decisions in many aspects, but the real thing is that everyone is the owner of his reality and is responsible for his deeds, actions and should not be manipulated by anyone to make them, if we make a mistake, it is assumed, is corrected and moves forward.
Thank you very much for sharing

Hello friend, that's right, each person is the owner of his life and his decisions.

There is something that cannot happen even if we are the richest in the world which is to be in control of everything that happened around us. Some things happen that we did not plan or notice coming and we have no choice than to accept it. For example in our health there is some illness we might face in the future that even the best doctor in the world cannot help us to cure it even though we promise him our whole wealth.

Hello friend, that's how it is, we must accept some things even if it is difficult.

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