Welcome to the era of bots 欢迎来到机器人盛世

in #bot7 years ago (edited)


Although this is not particularly precise to describe how curation is working right now on Steem. but I believe it was largely how things should work when Steem was just an idea in the head of @ned and @dan. Ya I know, the reality is whales tend to befriend with other whales, minnows chasing whales and dolphins like there is no tomorrow.

Well, things are little bit escalated for a while.


This is how the curation works now, in most situations.

Don't believe me? Or wanted to buy some votes but have no idea where to find them? Easy, go to any trending tag and open any popular posts, then take a look at their vote list.


There you go, you're welcome.



Individuals earn real rewards online that are directly correlated to their contributions.

All we need to do is ascertain which user contributions bring a social network value and which ones don't

They are snapshots from the Steem Whitepaper. No, you don't earn everything solely base on your contribution's quality. Because SP delegation and vote-selling are so profitable that all the SP is going to the bots.

Don't get me wrong I'm not anti voting bots in any sense. In fact, I'm a huge fan of Smartsteem because I know it is an effective way to advertise my content.

Actually I'm quite optimistic and this is too interesting to see how a revolutionary free market like Steem evolving.

Welcome to the era of bots

我想 Steem 现在的机器人盛世是创办人当初所预想不到的吧?从前是大鱼海豚小鱼之间互相点赞(好啦我知道大鱼只跟大鱼玩啦),到现在是大家都把 SP 出租给机器人,作者们想要赞就只好去跟机器人买啦。

不信我?还是想买赞却不知去哪里可以找到机器人?简单,去随便一个热门 Tag 下点开人任意一篇文章,看看点赞的名单,通常靠前几个就是卖赞的机器人们。

别误会,我并没有丝毫反对还是贬低机器人的意思。相反,我本身就是Smartsteem 的忠实用户,因为我知道这是个直接有力的推广内容方式。

至今我对 Steem 还是很乐观的,毕竟可以看到这样的划时代自由市场一直随着时间演化也是一大趣事。


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I would suggest that the official team setup some bots for people to use, but the income of bots should be burned, so people can promote their posts, but doesn't discourage people to curate good content.

The money will go wherever with higher profitability. That's what causing the bloom of voting bots. People are not going to lose their money for the justice of this platform solely.

May be there is a way to make voting bots less profitable and better income for curation?

This kind of mindset is base on short term gain . In long term , it will be damaging to steemit .

Unfortunately short term gain is what the mass will be taking. Something need to be changed.

@fr3eze 在这里,有SP就是王道!






目前为止应该是 smartsteem 最好吧

是的。smart steem真的不错

@smartsteem is comparatively better than others options.

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