Thanks for the free keyboard, Steemit! Steemit送了我一个机械键盘

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Love this gift!

Last post I've shared the unboxing and review of my first mechanical keyboard. I've just registered in Steemit not long ago when I received my keyboard in a parcel. And as a young Steemian I already actively seeking for ideas to write about and tends to start recording everything potentially interesting that could be shared in the future post.

I decided to record down the unboxing process of this new toy. From peeling off the package, taking photos in different light conditions, to the live lighting effect demonstration. This doesn't take much of my time and I enjoyed the whole process.

After one month of using it as my daily tool, I think it's about the time I should make a review post of the keyboard. Though it is my first ever unboxing post of a product and it might not as deep as those from the pros, I tried my best to make it as interesting as it can be. Within the first day after the post is uploaded, as usual I monitored the reactions the post has received at the same time doing some self-examination.

"Hmmm, it is gloomy like always." "May be I shouldn't put the 'keyboard' as the first tag, who cares about keyboard here?" "The phone-taken photos must be too dull for a good photo."

And then the magic happened

Out of nowhere, a couple of whales just happened to drop some heavy votes on the post. those votes jumped me from reputation** 45 to 50** and earned the post a hundred dollars. The next morning, the post gained 70 something more votes due to the initial visibility boost.

It ended up like this


A jaw-dropping(to me at least) $123 and 90 votes. You have to know the highest I've achieved in a single post is just 10 plus dollars and less than 30 votes. And what makes the whole thing even greater? The moment I realized I've just earned a free keyboard from its unboxing article!


According to the steemstats, the author will take 91.457 SDB (45.729 SBD + 33.773 SP) in reward. Assuming 91 SDB is priced at $1, I still earn an extra $26 after deducting the price of the keyboard which is $65.

This is plain amazing especially for someone who has joined a new community not more than 2 months. Though this is likely the result of major luck, I'm absolutely convinced by the power of Steemit.

在上篇分享了我第一个机械键盘的开箱和评测。 在我注册Steemit不久后就收到了这键盘的包裹。尽管在Steemit入世未深,我已经开始了不断寻找灵感的习惯。也慢慢的开始记录一切有趣的材料,好让以后的创作更有效有趣。



“嗯,还是一样的反应惨淡啊” “或许我不该把‘键盘’放成第一个标签?这里没人在乎键盘的课题吧” “用手机拍的照片果然是不够吸引人啊”


有好几十只鲸鱼不知从哪里冒出来给我投了票。而这些票数不知让我的声望从 44 升到 50, 还让文章赚了一百块。第二天早上,由于先前的巨票效应该文章再度增加了近 70 个票数。 最终成了图一的模样。

让人大跌眼镜(起码对我而言是的)的 123元和 90票的成绩。必须知道我在这之前我最高的成就才区区十几元和少过三十个票而已。还有一件事是比这个更振奋人心的?那就是我意识到了该篇文章让我赚了一个免费机械键盘!

根据 steemstats 的数据我将收到 91.457 SDB (45.729 SBD + 33.773 SP) 的稿费。如果把SDB估价在一元,扣除了键盘的 65元 我还额外赚了21元



This post is upvoted by Polsza for 50 %.
If you want help us growing upvote this comment.
Thanks !

@fr3eze got you a $3.08 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@fr3eze got you a $3.08 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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