New toys -- COPIC collection from the Japan! 新玩具们

in #art6 years ago


Artwork above was created using marker pens, absolutely fabulous isn't it? Previous post I've shared one of the best art supplies shop in Osaka and let me show you my booty.


The best thing that excited me the most is this drawing guidance book released by Copic itself. It showcases everything about the amazing markers and the way to use them professionally in the way that I could never imagine. The first picture is one of the samples and I did not expect simple markers could achieve such a stunning result. The book costs 1800 Yen and that is the first physical book I bought in the past 10 years, it will worth every penny if I able to learn as much as possible from it.


Another great showcase of marker art.



These tutorials are as detailed as hand-to-hand teaching. Simply blown away by how good and useful these markers are created for. Getting all these techniques will truly enhance my drawing skills with or without these marker.


The book is fully written in Japanese which I don't understand at all. But I guess words may not be really important as the picture tells a thousand words. If I ever need the translation, Google Translation will always be my side as well. I've tested it, the translation accuracy is not bad



Dada! This is 36 color Copic sketch set that I always wanted! And this is the most expensive purchase I have made in Japan too, costs 11,000 Yen. The art shop doesn't carry the highest 72 color set or I would consider getting it instead. Actually I still can buy all the markers one by one if I wanted, but I have to give some legit excuse for me to skip the further damage to my wallet. This set of markers will serve me long enough already.


You don't own a complete set of marker art creation if you don't have the right paper to draw on. This Copic sketchbook is specially designed for marker art.
It claims to not letting the color penetrating through the papers which is the common problem coloring on normal paper. It does help to save some marker ink as well I guess.


Family photo of the trio! They could really keep me busy for a long while. Let's begin a new self-taught journey.

除了美食美景,去日本最大的收获就是这三剑客。首先是 Copic 出品的马克笔绘画教程,真的有让我大开眼界之感,大叹原来马克绘画还能如此神!本文第一张就是全用 Copic 马克笔画的,很厉害吧?它绝对能让我的绘画技术更上一层楼!

第二养东西就是 36 色的 Copic 马克笔,同时也是在日本买到最贵的单品,价值十一千日元。还好 72 色的套装断货了,不然我还可能会花双倍的价格入手,真替荷包君捏了一把冷汗。


这些家伙应该都足够让我忙碌好长一阵子了。 期待和你们分享用它们创作的第一幅作品!



God @fr3eze

@fr3eze 弱弱地问下,亲你本是是动漫迷吗?


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