Never knew I gotta introduce myself!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Yo there, glad to greet y'all in this awesome platform!

I'm a 27 years old from Malaysia. Computer lover with IT background, as well as a new believer in the amazing blockchain technology.
I deeply believe blockchain gonna be the future and improve our live in every aspect. I started to spend a couple of hours every day on studying this technology, exploring new projects, and trying my best to take part in interesting projects. Steemit turns out to be the most easy project for anyone to dive in. Woohoo!

大家好!我是个电脑爱好者,27岁,来自马来西亚,是区块链技术的新拥护者。 我深信区块链技术将会让我们未来变得更美好,所以每天都花几个小时来学习这项技术,探索新的虚拟币计划,和不断尝试参与其中。Steemit 是目前为止最容易让人们全身投入的计划,没有之一!


I love workout.

I called this 'hobby of life'. However as a total big fan of bodyweight workout, I do not belong to the mainstream 'gym rat' race, so I can happily workout anywhere anytime with the least environmental restrictions. No time is wasted going to the gym and no money is wasted on gym membership. Lesser cost yet higher intensity. Yay, train like a gymnast!

我爱锻炼,这是个终身爱好。 但我对健身院并不太感冒,徒手訓練才是王道。不需花时间赶去健身院,不需花钱在会员证。随时随地就能训练,免费的同时还能保持高强度!


I love art.

I love creating them, admiring them. As much as I used to indulge in this addictive activities, I've been away for quite a while. Missing those days having so much fun with the the brushes, may be I should pick them up again in the near future, and of course I shall share it with you Steemians!

我爱艺术,包括创造和赏析它们。 尽管我曾经那么的热爱这项活动,忙起来现在也许久没有动笔了。但那些挥笔如洒得日子也真够令人怀念的,希望不久的将来能够再度回归艺术的怀抱。当然了,一定要来这里分享的啦!


I love travelling.

Apparently, who doesn't love travelling? I enjoy recording every trip as I think video talks better than picture. But well, currently I don't spend too much time on this yet. May be once or twice in a year for a short getaway for not more than a week. Time and money is the biggest constraints for me to plan for more trips, as I prefer to put the resources more onto higher prioritized stuffs. I swear I will travel all year long when I'm a cryptomillionaire, haha!

我爱旅行,其实有谁不爱呢。 比起拍照,旅途中我更喜欢用视频记录一切,视频让日后的回味更有味道,难道不是吗?其实现今阶段我并没有花太多时间在旅行上,目前还有更多值得我把资源投入的事还没达成。但要是日后我有机会成为虚拟币百万富翁,全年旅行是绝对跑不掉的,呵呵!


And, creating more quality contents

Yes I think this is the only effective way to grow our beloved community. I'v promised myself to create at least one content every one or two days, HARD for a lazy person like me, but I should keep on trying! Peace~



Welcome to Steemit of you! Glad to have you on Steemit. Continue doing good post.
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.

Hey thanks!

Nice introduction dude.. welcome onboard !


Welcome to Steem @fr3eze I have upvoted and sent you a tip

thanks you are so kind

Awesome post @fr3eze , Upvoted and followed. Your doing a great job steeming. I love travelling too, feel free to check my blogs about it.

Yeah thanks man, sure will do!

Hi friends, follow me on my account you will like the information I have

Yes sure will do

WELCOME TO STEEMIT :) Glad to see more people like you - here join the steemit! Being a steamboat is a great adventure! Here you can win money while blogging! At first it will not be easy, but it is not impossible. So just write it from your heart and everything will be fine. ! Applause! Wish you much luck! Greetings, @ilhampratama!

Appreciate your advises mate!

Welcome to Steemit. Nice art. If you are committed to quality content, you are on the right path. Good content makes for good reading, which makes for good interaction.

Hey John thanks!

Welcome to Steemit! Upvoted and Followed you! I also enjoy drawing, if you are interested you can check out some of my posts. Look forward to your future posts. Have a great day!

Yeah checked you out, I see great works you've done there!

Welcome to steemit @fr3eze, a great community for us to share talents and creativity with all of steemians, we do not walk alone here, we have a big family in steemit. Glad to see your next post. Nice introduction. see you around @herryzal

I appreciate that man.

Glad to find you on steemit. Im live in SG amd MY. Do traveling vlog and I was running a photo studo in SG for 11 years. just letting you know we have some similar things we do. I left you a follow

Glad to know you. Singaporean need to know more about this awesome platform. Hope you can find this place valuable to stay!

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