Drawing Goku 悟空 | 齐白石杯 月旦评
This artwork took me 5 hours, the longest I've been done in the recent drawing. Pure Copic color markers were used in the making of this work on an A4-size grey sketchbook.
This is also an entry for the Anime drawing contest hosted by @angelina6688.
I'm a big time Dragonball fan that it is the first thing came to my mind looking at the contest theme. I got a [Goku figure]/@fr3eze/son-goku-figure-my-first-dragonball) back in Japan so I took a photo of it and start to draw from it. I was able to do so because the figure was so exquisitely crafted that it could stand up to any close-up shots but still managed to deliver enough details.
此作品花了五个小时来完成,是我近期来所花时间最长的一幅画。这也另一幅完全以 Copic 马克笔在 A4 比例的灰色画本上完成。
这同时也是由 @angelina6688 主办的 第4届“齐白石杯”绘画大赛的参赛作品,主题是你最喜欢的动漫角色。
Proof of originality.
Wow nice, I especially like the clay-like look to it.
Finally someone pointed out the feel that I wanted to create. It was painted base on a figure that is made by clay I believe. And I don't normally share the reference photo, but here you go...
月旦评 评语:作者熟练的马克笔使用技法和高超的人物表现力,将一批80.90后观众的思绪带回了童年。悟空身上快要爆裂的肌肉,仿佛一个个小拳头,直指人心。加上充满斗志与不服输的眼神,使我们看到了一颗遇到困难永不向命运低头的心。
哇 这么贴心有爱的评委哪里找 还帮忙推荐月旦评 真是羡慕呢 ~
As a dragonball fan, I'd say you totally nailed it. Great job, man!
As a fan, I'm truly honoured by your kind words too!
画得很不错啊 关键还用的马克笔 你签名里的火影也是你画的吗
我看到这期题目时第一个想到的也是悟空 不过是大闹天宫那个 哈哈 得赶紧重拾画笔
对啊,那火影用的是丙烯颜料。悟空太出名了吧,大闹天宫的悟空有动画版吗? 有的话就可以画了。
有动画啊 就叫《大闹天宫》还是60年代的 那时候好多经典国产动画呢 不过你不是中国人吧?可能也没关注过
丙烯颜料我以前也常用来画t-shirt 然后用熨斗熨一下就不容易掉色了
Very cool, I like your signature card as well :-)
If you're interested in a collaboration, hit me up on chat or Discord.
I'm really glad that you like it!
Interested in the collaboration, may I know what is it about?
I'm looking for an artist for my sci-fi story Asimov's Ghost
check it out here: https://steemit.com/cryptogeechronicles/@cryptogee/asimov-s-ghost-chapter-16-neither-here-nor-there
Amazing work as always!
Thanks for the support @djynn!
will u help me as i upvoted you @fr3eze
will u fuck off?