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in #cn5 years ago


生活在这个热带地区,春暖和花开一向来都不怎么关我的事,但 Steem 的币价就时我切身之事了。这一阵子整个币圈都有回暖的迹象,总市价从 120B 上升到了 130B 左右的水平。我已经越来越少关注到底是什么因素导致这样的上涨发生,因为说到底,在币圈时没有人可以确定某某 x 事件导致币价的浮动,那也就别费心去关注了。

Steem 上的动向我倒还是有关注的,大家的活跃度虽然比起全盛时期有所减低,但近期各种建立在 Steem 链上的游戏接踵而来,活跃度似乎不因为长期的熊市有多大的影响。这不就正是一个健康的社区该有的样子吗?

只是这两天 Steem 的飞涨就比较令人费解了。但总归也是好事一桩,那就别去解了。

I grew older the blockchain space to realize the fact that no one can actually pin point a specific event to the trend of price. That's why I give lesser shit if BTC ETF is being approved by SEC, or STEEM is being listed on another exchange that no one knows. The time and attention would be well spent on the technology development.

Overall crypto market was a little warmed lately seeing the rise from 120B to 130B, I'm not interested to find out what is happening behind, as that's almost impossible to find out. Steem was benefited by the trend and gone a little more wild from $0.3 to the ATH of this month, $0.45.

The activity on Steem looks usual to me despite we have more DAPP appearing now, but this doesn't justify enough for the price growth that was more than 100% since we were hovering around $0.2 for a long time one month ago. Anyhow, glad that things are working out positively for the community.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e6%98%a5%e6%9a%96%e8%8a%b1%e5%bc%80/



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