Challenge - Stay home, share 3 travel photos (Day 3) Family Trips

in GEMS4 years ago
In my life, family trips have not been frequent, I usually remember my parents working, which did not leave them free time to go out of our town to visit new places, and when we did, we did not always have a camera at hand to capture the moment, however, the memories are there and the good thing is that they are beautiful memories.

Guarumen Gallery - Guárico State - Venezuela

I remember that it was a mars of holy week when my uncle called my mother to invite her to visit a thermal water spa that is a couple of hours away from the town where he lives, first thing Wednesday morning we were leaving very excited because we imagined a whole complex of thermal water pools, which we had already visited are really beautiful and have created beautiful facilities to contain them and that the bathers enjoy them; the reality was different. After 4 hours of walking to get to where two of those hours was by the worst roads I could travel we arrived at our destination, they were some old ruins of what at some time had been that complex of thermal pools that I could imagine, It was summer and really the drought was very strong, so there was only a thread of that hot water they called thermal hahaha, we only had to enjoy the company and music that my uncle's friends sang, take advantage of taking this picture with a harp, as I had never played one in my life.

San Juan de Los Morros - Guárico State - Venezuela

Who doesn't remember spending a trip with their brothers fighting in the back of the car? I'm sure this didn't just happen to me, if we didn't fight over who was in the window on my dad's side, it was over the music that was going to be heard on the road, this particular trip was a mother's day, we went to a restaurant to take my grandmother, my aunt, and my mom to celebrate their day, the truth is that in this restaurant we ate delicious food and even though it was a little far from our town, the enjoyment of live music and good food made the trip worthwhile. This would be the last trip we would take with my grandmother and I am very sorry that I did not have my picture taken with her.

Sabaneta de Trincheras - Guárico State - Venezuela

For a while Sundays for my family were to go to the countryside to walk and share with friends, my father's old farm was being remodeled since he had bought the land of the farm next door and the old house had collapsed to build a new one, every Sunday we went to supervise the work, and we always invented a way to celebrate for something, this day was the birthday of one of my brother's best friends (the one behind us in yellow flannel), they were quiet and happy times, I made the most of them because soon after I started to travel, so seeing them and sharing with them was more and more difficult.

Family is everything to me, so sharing with them the best moments of my life will always be a great blessing!

I would like to invite you to join this challenge my dear @carolinacardoza, @mballeteros, @one-ray, @grisvisa, and @irenenavarroart, I am sure they have many things to share with us. Remember to use the tag #travelathome

Images of my property taken from my Facebook memory chest, without editing, because the best moments do not need editing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions, I would appreciate it if you would put them in the comment box, and remember, you can make magic in the kitchen too, and wherever you go!

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