Tipper (a admins critique on steemit)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I took part of in the ICO so I am in their telegram channel.

Tipper will be a bit like Steemit. It will focus more on video content. If you like the video you can just tip the creator a bit.

They will be hosting the videos so they dont rely on coporation with youtube or facebook.

I still wanted to know what they think what is their main advantage/difference to steemit.

I got a pretty long answer, I want to share with you as I think it might be interesting.

We don’t like to make comparisons, especially when there really is no comparison. Remember, all cars have steering wheels, but that does not mean that the model T ford is the same as the tesla p90, there is a vast difference.
Tipper is the opposite of steem and Tipper is orders of magnitudes better than steem and always will be for many fundamental reasons. The following is the short answer to your question.
80% of social media is now video and Tipper is the first fully Decentralized social media and video platform that pays video stakers (hosters) for every micro bit of data they offer up. Meaning tipper can do live streaming at the level of facebook and youtube, snapchat and beyond and pay people for hosting even if someone watches 5 seconds of a video and not the whole thing. This is possible because of the tipper blockchain which has the capability to do millions of micropayments. Neither, steemit or any other blockchain protocol have this capability nor are they close to it. (Read whitepaper about our revolutionary, for the first time ever “transaction mining”, game changer protocol). We are going to decentralize video like never before because now people are going to make a lot of money for hosting videos. Taking the centralized business of video from youtube and facebook and giving it to the people, 100’s of millions and more that will now be available to earn for everyone. If you can’t do live streaming and pay video hosters for every bit of data, then you can’t even begin to compete in a world with non stop snap stories.
Tipper is also a hard currency with mining like bitcoin but with some advantages even over bitcoin also, and not proof of stake like steem. Proof of stake is lazy and a cop out for the lack of technological innovation and it just makes the rich richer and works essentially as a Ponzi scheme. You have to have a lot of steem to make money which is paid out by the company based on votes (centralized, not peer to peer, rather a user or bot sends a vote to the company and then company pays the person according to stake). On tipper you don’t have to have any TIPR to earn, you could just upload something and get tipped. But to get more out of the vastness of Tipper, it’s better to tip people, and in order to do that you can buy a few dollars’ worth of TIPR. The only reason you need to buy TIPR as a user to engage on the platform is because you can’t do micropayments in very high volumes in fiat or any other digital payment system in the world besides the TIPPER BLOCKCHAIN.
Tipper is pay as you go for the mainstream and directly from user to user. Users will top up with fiat and it gets converted into “tipbits” which is our satoshi. When one TIPR is worth $100 (very soon) and a user uploads $10 then they have $10 worth of tipbits which would be 10% of one TIPR. Now that user can use that $10 worth of TIPR and start to tip in micropayments. $10 could enable them with 1000 tips (10 cents each tip) to play with or whatever amount they want to. OUR COIN is the utility which ENABLES users to interact in MICROPAYMENTS. Now you will be able to tip someone even a fraction of a cent, 1 cent or 10 cents etc, it all depends on you. But because of this unique micropayment capability of Tipper, you now have a world where if you are going viral and millions of people are tipping you even in cents, it will add up.

Also there is the big enormous FACTOR of the UNKOWN which tipper is tapping into, which is that every person has different appreciations. This means that you might tip a video 10 cents and I might tip that same video $10, now apply this variation to 100’s of millions of people engaging with content. That’s the game changer with tipping, Tipping is a night and day difference between likes and votes. Also this applies to the smallest levels as well, meaning if only a hundred people tip your status or comment and each person tips you 10 cents, then you made 10 dollars. And also because of the unknown factor, you could even make a $100 dollars on that comment or status or photo, because you never know wh

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o likes what and how generous they might be in that moment. This is all game changing and exciting stuff that the world has yet to experience. Tipper makes all that a reality with this new dynamic, tipping, tapping into the unkown.
Everyone is going to want to be on Tipper because of this new lucrative and exciting dynamic. If you have the chance to hit it big, that’s FOMO for mainstream, the real world of young Instagram, youtube, snap, facebook users, are going to love this and they will adopt it immediately as they are a savvy generation who will recognize the immense opportunity( as many social media influencers are already eagerly telling us). So now instead of everyone fighting for empty likes, now they will be posting like crazy for tips for good content. When you tip people your Tipper stimulation score goes up and as your score goes up you get more opportunities to make money yourself through content investing and also you will get more exposure for your content to the whole world. And many other benefits. So now tipping becomes incentivized.
Because of this mainstream adoption, Tipper is the first platform that will actually achieve continuous user monetary input far beyond early adopters because it provides an undeniable benefit to everyone in the larger real world beyond crypto. This will effectively and very rapidly drive the demand for the coin up and up. Tipper is not reliant on early adopters or coin holders, but lucky early adopters will of course be the titans of the new internet.
Even a fraction of a cent can be given with our system and what’s equally game changing is that now every tip, no matter how small, now it will also be minable, that’s the transaction mining which is presented in the whitepaper, which means every single tip creates an opportunity (more earning in addition to block mining) for individual miners which breaks mining pools (breaking centralization of bitcoin like networks).
It is straightforward and it’s about give and get like a real economy in the real world, Tipper is a complete real world application like no other.
Current social media including steem are limited by votes and likes which are holding back society. Votes, are just likes, which can all be faked by bots and are definitely being faked by bots, that’s the whole issue with view fraud on current social media today, steem is no different. Do not trust any like or vote system. The steem site is overloaded with spam bots, “horrible quantity over quality”.
The fraud is causing the advertisers to get angry and more selective with their money, this is causing demonization of content creators. Tipping on Tippers blockchain solves the issue immediately because Tips are real money transactions that will be on the blockchain, tips mean real users, and not BOTS. Transparent.
Tips are real people rewarding real people, this means tipper is the first TRUE and ACTUAL PEER_TO_PEER reward system (fraud and bot free), as appose to votes to a central regime and then they pay who has the most stakes (wink wink). All votes and likes are fake systems, don’t get fooled by any platform talking about that stuff. And you wonder why the whole world hasn’t ran to steem.

TIPS also open the way for everyone to earn way more and at every level, it’s a game changer and can be infinitely sustainable because it is straightforward and transparent fundamentally. Votes, likes etc are an unsustainable model and will always be ripe with fraud and ultimately fail.
Then of course Tipper also has revolutionary ideas and vision that not only has the crypto world not seen before but the entire world has not ever seen before, such as CONTENT INVESTING, MOMENTIZATION. VIRAL MILLIONAIRS. 100% OF ALL AD REVEUE IS GOING TO USERS which should not be taken for granted and should be reflected on. Anyone who studies the white paper and understands it will realize how big this is for the world. This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of ideas and vision this company has for the world. The future is most definitely all about tips, and TIPPER is going to be the ba

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nner which the whole world identifies with and runs with as it liberates and empowers normal people to thrive. With Tipper, now there isn’t any censorship but also simultaneously there is support for anyone who has opposing views to the propaganda of certain groups who are backed by facebook etc. Right now you either get banned, censorsed etc if you go against certain agendas, and this hinders free speech. If all viewpoints are funded and given the same exposure then it will be about which ideas make the best arguments rather than the ones that are just in our face all the time due to an agenda of the powers that be. So aside from the immense monetization opportunity for the world, Tipper also gives people their free speech back which is worth more than money in many ways.
Tipper is not only solving the problems with current social media, such as fraud and demonetization, but is also introducing completely new ideas such as content investing and momentization which themselves will be world changing and epic in their benefit to the world. Tipper has so much that it can be hard to keep track of the many revolutionary things it is bringing to the world. Tipper is a highly and thoroughly thought out project with all of its aspects working perfectly synchronized for the benefit of the people in the most sincere ways.
If steemit was doing it right why would we bother? Tipper if understood properly, clearly demonstrates genuine innovation that clearly stems from sincerity which derives from an ideological place. Tipper is the true embodiment of true decentralization and benefit for the people in every way. We are not here to make just a social media platform, we are here to change the world for the better. And by revealing our whitepaper and our vision, we already have changed the world, there is no going back to those old ideas after Tipper and in September when the platform launches, it’ll be the beginning of the end for facebook and youtube as tipper will be unstoppable.
Steemit was a novelty in the crypto world, Tipper is the game changing reality for the WHOLE WORLD. steemit just does not have the vision or the tech to take on or compete with facebook, youtube, and facebook and youtube don’t have the ideas, tech, or goodwill of the people in mind to compete with Tipper, the true people’s platform."

I think he raises some valuable points

I found it also interesting how steemit is perceived from a non steemer.

More blockchain social networks will be created and we will see which one will come out on top.

You can check their website here https://www.tippereconomy.io/

steem dream.gif



I don’t believe tipping will work well as a system. Nothing prevents us from tipping on steem btw.

I wonder what that super blockchain is he is talking about and how the hosting of data is paid for.

I’m a little suspicious at this point. But thanks for sharing.

I have some concerns as well. But they have some interesting ideas like buying shares from content creators.

About the super blockchain I am curious as well :-) MAybe it is just a scam afterall :-)

The tipping...I think that could work if you look at twitch were subscributions are kind of like a tip or youtubers who earn via patreon.

We will see how many people they can pull in. I will certainly try it with my videos as there is nothing to lose.

It sounds like a good idea.....but until they have a working product we won't know. Also how many everyday people are going to pay for ETH/TIPR to tip people or even have an ETH address? Will be interesting to see how it develops. Thanks for the info.

True that.

We will see how it develops and how many people they pull in.

Afaik people can buy the tokens directly via fiat which makes it much easier

I got digging a little deeper and found this. It says US residents are not able to participate. And I can't find anything about the buying them with Fiat (that would be a huge selling point if true). Check it out.

Maybe the fiat came up in the telegram but I am not sure anymore.

I think US could only not take part in the ICO which is normal at this point for any Ico.

The fiat thing would be huge otherwise they will probably be up to a slow start

Thanks for sharing. It's interesting. It's not nearly the same concept as Steem. Since you have to actually give some of your value over to tip. So I can see space for both. Also I have never heard of this new proof they are using that scales to millions already. It also points out talking about censorship resistance that whichever viewpoint is better will win, but wouldnt that mean the higher tips though, the more the appearance of 'winning' .. I want to read the whole white paper now, I'm curious.

Definitely an interesting project though. Thanks just for sharing.

You are right. It has some similar points actually only publish content but you actually "give something up" with your tips you will not recover over time.

They have some interesting ideas like investing into content creators. We will see how it develops

Really interesting idea, there's a couple of things that came to mind though:

  • Will people really donate $10 or even donate at all
  • There's going to be loads of people making content and nobody will want to curate because it actually costs them money
  • What stops a whale making shitposts on two accounts and just tipping themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars and giving themselves loads of rep

People are tipping on twitch all the time and sometimes even a couple of hundreds bucks.

Yes, a lot of people will not earn anything at first probably.

That was my question , too and I got told they are not concerned about it since they are taking part in the eco system which is bullshit imo

It just seems like you can already tip people on the likes of dlive which and steemit which are already working, established platforms. It may be an interesting experiment to see how a non-upvote equivalent works out though.


Tbh I hope steemit makes the race but there will be more social networks run on a blockchain coming out.

And who knows maybe there will be one coming kicking all kind of ass.

I don't believe this will be a steemit competitor because I can't imagine consumers are itching to pay people to produce videos with their own money. It won't catch on. It will need a ton of PR to get users and they will ultimately stop posting videos. Having said that, I think it is really important to get some major PR and outreach going for @dtube , @dlive, @dsound and @dporn to let video content creators out there now that Steemit is the best opportunity for them to get paid for their content. I try to do this on an individual level but it is difficult.

Patreon and twitch has proven that people are willing to tip so I dont think this will be impossible or anything since it is already happening.

If it will pick up I cant tell you we have to wait and see

You are right about the fact that most of the social media content is in videos (larger data size). I am hearing about this for the first time and it excites me to no end. If this is real and if it works then this is better then steemit for video content creators.
From your description I understand that tipping would be a personal choice like a upvote(steemit) and unlike pay for number of views (like you tube) but with an essential difference that even 5 seconds of watch is payable.
This is all good but what hold my interest is that you mentioned content advertising income goes 100% to the user. This could be epic. Although I am little uncertain as to what mechanism is there to stop creation of bots. Bots are here on Steemit and they they will be there as well.

Twitch has proven that people are willing to tip. As well as patreon.

As this will be able to pick up it might get huge...or will fail. I cant tell you.

Interesting is that you can buy shares from content creators. TBH some features I did not understand how they will work when everything is up and running but I will check it out.

yes, but it's really long..

nice blog sir... really interesting info.☺👍

Thanks man! I will check it out!

Thank you so much to share with us.

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