Why The Goal Isn't To Be An Entrepreneur & How The 4HWW Isn't For EveryonesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom7 years ago

It's really popular and sexy to be an entrepreneur. Everyone wants to say it's their profession. It sounds hip, fun, and full of freedom. So why do I feel this trend is steering millions of people into more debt and struggles?

The Entrepreneur Lifestyle Is NOT For Everyone

I've met more broke and in debt "entrepreneurs" than I can count. They are the majority.  In my experience, this job description is synonymous with "barely making it" and living with their parents or with many roommates.  Nothing wrong with either of these two living situations, but the problem lies with this desire to be something that isn't what they truly want.

Tim Ferriss and other writers have influenced too many people to want to be an entrepreneur. I believe that 95% or more of the world may "want" the freedom they associate with having their own business, but in reality would freak out without a steady paycheck. It just isn't for everyone, and that's exactly how it should be.  Just like there are liberals and conservatives, there are those who should never start their own business and those that should.

Entrepreneurship = Freedom

If someone wants freedom, they believe that owning their own business is the key. But for 99% of the people that try this, they feel less free than before. Why? What gives? It's hard has heck to make it as a full fledged "E".  We live in a time where the success stories are all we see. Even here on Steemit! We see the top bloggers making boatloads of money, and everyone wants that success RIGHT NOW! That just isn't reality.  For everyone one success story, there are 999 unsuccessful stories.   But Steemit is a place to make your dreams a reality, which separates it from everywhere else.

Conclusion = Know Yourself & Be Realistic

Know yourself and what you want. Do you really want a life of little security? Where you have to be reliable on your own efforts for your income?  Or would a standard job make you feel more secure, happy, and actually give you the freedom of not stressing about money? Or maybe do both... 9-5 and something on the side?  

Be realistic in your goals. Understand that we see a disproportionate amount of success vs the failures. Understand that whatever dreams you have will take TIME and daily effort. 

Just my thoughts for the day :) - Aaron


Correct I say most people do not want to be responsible for their own actions. Hence the belief that when things go right it had something to do with a supernatural power that is always watching over us and guiding us. Freedom came for me when i got out of debt and stopped listening to the individuals who pretend to know what is up. I dont see them at the beach most mornings.

I take it you're leaning more towards Atheism? Correct, the ones doing the talking aren't the ones living. Congrats on the beach life. I live in Orange County but didn't grow up here so never got into surfing.

Nice info. Thanks :)

Welcome @eureka9. Gave you a follow too.

I think your right that being an entrepreneur is a lot of work and can be all consuming, people should really go in knowing and understanding that.. I also think that Tim Ferriss does lay that out pretty well in his book and it full of cautionary tales. (Sorry a huge fanboy).

I'm a huge fanboy too. I sent him a personal email back in 2007 months before the 4hww even launched. He was like "how did you get this email?" haha. We had a few back and forth conversations when his blog looked like crap.

Great write up dude. Totally agree!

You oughtta check out my recent post. It's pretty much the reality of entrepreneurship.

I think the biggest answer to people who already have entrepreneurial tendencies is patience. Too many expect the accolades to come too soon, without actually putting in the work and TIME needed to set themselves up for that big success.

Just my 2 cents!

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