Things I would include in school curriculums.

in #education2 years ago


Elementary school:

  • Brushing teeth either after breakfast or lunch
  • Basic dietary needs, how calories work, the importance of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, vitamins, minerals, and most importantly the good habits behind them

Starting at least in middle school, if not high school:

  • Balancing a personal and business budget (but then everyone would be against what the out-of-control spending govt does. Can't have a national debt that is 125% of GDP if everyone is responsible with money.)

Late middle school

  • Compound weights (Squats, Bench press, Deadlifts, Overhead press, and barbell rows...and other compound movements that help maximize muscle usage and good health)

High school:

  • Entrepreneurship - Encouraging the spirit of pushing an actual good idea forward
  • Lesson on how to make/update resume (literally a 1 hour class could go a long way)
  • After both of these lessons everyone would either be able to open jobs or get a job at least.

All ages:

  • Coding theory (the earlier the concepts are ingrained the better)
  • Building things (robots, woodwork, plastic molding, etc... everyone should feel like they can create something tangible from raw materials when they get out of school)

Not at all comprehensive yet, but a good start if I was just throwing things on paper.

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