America's immigration system is in crisis.

in #borders2 years ago


Our southern border is out of control. And the Biden administration's supposed "strategy that targets 'root causes' of the crisis like poverty, violence and climate change" is a losing proposition. The United States cannot eradicate poverty in Mexico or Central America or in any other countries in the world. After all, the U.S. has tried and failed for decades to wage a successful "war on poverty" here at home.

The U.S. is simply a richer country than most, if not all, countries south of us in the western hemisphere, and that is unlikely to change in the near future. As a result, the U.S. will continue to attract masses of would-be immigrants from Central and South America who seek a better economic life for themselves and their families. How many potential immigrants? Millions, if not tens of millions -- far more people than we currently know how to integrate into American society.

This is not a problem that will solve itself or naturally work itself out over time. We need a clear, effective approach to create a new immigration system or to vastly improve the existing system. We need a humane system with clear rules that are known, enforced, and adhered to. A humane immigration system will still say NO to millions of good people who wish to live in America. Why? Because no nation, not even the United States of America, can absorb unlimited millions of immigrants without damaging the fabric of its national life.

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