New Ebook Just Launched - Build Your List For Free - Plus SBI Givaway

in #ctp5 years ago

Made in Canva

It's Friday and the sun is shining, though it did rain before, and I am making this post as the official launch of a new short ebook that I have written.

The cold/flu that I have had for the last almost 2 weeks now has been very slow to recover and I have not made any videos during that time, but I did some writing in between, and I do hope to be back to making videos soon.

Build Your List For Free

That is the title of this ebook, and I give it away for free as a Lead Magnet, where you can get it if you sign up to my email list, click the link below to go to the sign up page.

Build Your List For Free

Made in Canva

You can rebrand all affiliate links and give it away to anyone you want, and the email series talks mostly about content creation and branding yourself.

Why This Ebook?

So as you might understand from the title of the ebook it shows how to build an email list by just using free of charge tools, and there is a reason for this.

But let's just get one thing out of the way first, why not TrafficWave?

Now first of all I am using TrafficWave myself to build this list, it's a professional tool and I like it, but the point of this ebook is to show a way to build a list just using free of charge tools including the autoresponder.

So the autoresponder that is included in the ebook does not cost any money, you "pay" by the owners of this tool placing ads on their website and in your outgoing emails, that's the price of free.

This is also why I am not using that autoresponder myself, and why I do think that all affiliate and email marketers needs to have as a goal to use a professional tool for this, and that is also the point that I am making in the fifth email in my email series, the first ones talk about creating great content and building your brand.

There is also the point to be made about the affiliate program in TrafficWave versus the non existent one in the free autoresponder, you can use that affiliate program to create your very first profit center, and then use that profit for further expantion and growth.

So what's the point?

Well the point is that for some people even the low fee of $18 USD per month for TrafficWave is too much, and the 30 day free trial plus the Matrix Buster might not offer enough security that they will know that they can make the money to cover those at the end of the free period.

And I say this because of a discussion that I had with @achim03 in this post, How to develop an income for Venezuelan people using the internet, and I was on my project account @thisisawesome.

He had put together some tools to start building a list for free, and the autoresponder that he had chosen did not allow affiliate links, so I tried to make the case that they can just earn the money on Steem and CTPtalk and invest in a real autoresponder like TrafficWave, and then turn that into profit using the affiliate program.

But what he said was "As for people from Venezuela, $18 represents 3 months salary", so I recommended another autoresponder that was also free but allowed affiliate links, the same one that is in my ebook.

Plus I also put this into relation to another Steemian who is from Venezuela @junior182, and what he said in this post, Away from Steem and CTP.- Reasons that are beyond my hands, about being away from Steem due to bad internet in that country, plus what he said in a comment to me, "A page to load lasts 4 to 5 min at least", so even if the internet works it's very slow.

Therefore earning enough to cover the startup costs of TrafficWave before you start building your list under these circumstances can be extremely hard, not to mention turning it profitable fast enough to cover it's own costs, so I decided to put this ebook together as a way for anyone, regardless of finacial situation, to start building an email list and not have to worry about bad internet or having enough funds to cover the costs.

But as I also said and as I say in the fifth email in my series, the goal should always be to use a professional autoresponder like TrafficWave, and this way can show a path to boost earnings in a much faster way that it's possible to afford it down the line, but that it is important to start that list now and not when there is enough to cover the cost of TrafficWave.

And that is the point of why I made this ebook and the email series that goes along with it, and of course the free Lead Capture Page builder is ClickTrackProfit, you get 1 LCP for free.

There is also a bonus point, since I now also have an ebook to point to for anyone wanting to start building an email list but don't want to invest up front until they have tested that it works, plus also a free alternative way to build a list for my other upcoming ebook that I will get back to soon.

SBI Givaway

I have also decided to make an SBI Givaway (@steembasicincome - free upvotes for life) as a way to market this ebook and boost my subscribers, at first I thought 10 SBI Units would be a good number, but I already have 2 subscribers since yesterday when I tested a few things and people noticed the Lead Capture Page, so I have decided to increase that level to a total of 20 SBI Units, and that means there are 18 units left to be given away.

Now what you do if you want that is to just sign up using this link, Build Your List For Free, then confirm your subscription by clicking the link in the confirmation email, and then just give me your Steem handle and the email you signed up with in either Telegram or Twitter, those contact details are in the first email that you get after confirmation, and if all is checking out and there are still SBI Units left I will send you an SBI Unit.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this, and I hope you will have great use of this ebook and the email series, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

Do note that this is all my personal opinion and not professional advice, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.


Great e-book! I will put it to good use

Thanks @mebroeck, I am glad you like it, stay awesome.

Thank you for your awesome e-book it has great information

Thank you @howyf2, I do hope it can help someone, have an awesome weekend.

Hello friend @flaxz Erick
I am Venezuelan, I just read your post is very interesting, I say that God bless you for creating this support for Venezuelans, that we are currently going through a strong economy, what I earn in CTP is only for food, which My daughter needs. I am a single mother, I have a one-year-old girl, my internet is very bad. I wish with all my heart to be taken into account in your project. I really need help please, for my girl.

Grateful in advance, this is my email [email protected]. I don't have a phone just my computer and internet.

The salary of a public worker is $ 2, that is what I earn. $ 18 would mean 9 months.

Thank you very much for signing up @celi130, I hope you got the welcome email with the download link for the ebook, that allows you to start building your list for free, and it's very important to get started with since it further builds your brand and followers, and also provides leverage in creating a residual online income, and I hope that this helps you to get going, and I also sent you an SBI unit for signing up, have an awesome weekend.

Ok so it's even worse than Achim claimed, then you may need this even more.


Hey @celi130, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Hi @beerlover, thanks for your vote and beer ... Thank you for supporting me and my daughter

🎁 Hi @celi130! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @flaxz!

@flaxz wrote lately about: My Actifit Report Card: October 3 2019 Feel free to follow @flaxz if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Hi Eric,

Well yes thank God I'm already publishing, with problems but I'm going there. I already added to your list happy weekend.

Great, could you confirm the name and email that you signed up with, I am trying to attach a Steem handle to all sign ups so that I can send the SBI units, and I am not quite sure where you are, you can send me a DM in Telegram or Twitter if you want.

Twitter: erikgsn
Telegram: @flaxz

awesome e-book Erik, thanks for paying this one forward! keep up the great work, my friend - Ian.

Thank you very much Ian, I sent the SBI unit, and hope you will enjoy the ebook and the rest of the email series, have an awesome weekend.

Thank you for then mention. Signed up to your list. I'm looking forward to reading your e-mails!

Best regards,

Thank you very much @achim03, I sent the SBI unit, and hope you will enjoy the ebook and emails, have an awesome weekend.

Signed up at your list Erik!

Thanks for the e-book...

Thank you very much Zoltan, SBI unit sent, and I hope you will enjoy it, and have an awesome weekend.

I am enjoying it... I will probably contact you soon with some questions...
Thanks again!

Great I will try my best to answer them, stay awesome.

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