Back to the future

in #science7 years ago

Metaphorically speaking of course

I snapped these two standing together and thought to myself how times have changed. Very nice to see.




Lucky you!!!

Just because you took the time to look at this post, you can now view the two windmills from different eras being serviced.

Old Style



New Style


Hope you enjoyed the post!



Hehe... nice that they'd place a single modern windmill next to an old-style one.

I can see another in the distance, so maybe it's in a country where the rules say there's supposed to be a certain distance between windmills ?

I guess that's one solution to the ear-deafening noise they make together.

Here in France they place them up on mountain sides where no one lives. Some people get a bit angry that they're occupying their visual space, but at least they can't hear them.

Thanks for the response Pbock and they're in the Netherlands and windmills are everywhere. Unfortunately there are no mountains here, it's pretty flat, but you know that already. We just have to listen to them churn away. :-D

What a neat post! Thank you for sharing. <3

That's lovely of you to say, much appreciated and glad you liked it. :-)

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