Why Would They Lie? With Mark Sargent, John Christopulos, Bob Knodel and Jeran Campanella [VIDEO]

in #news7 years ago

During the years of the Spanish Inquisition, there began an agenda to gain total dominance over the people through the intent to discredit the Creator and His creation. The Jesuits engaged in the torture of Christians and burning of Bibles because Bible believing Christians chose to separate themselves from the Roman Catholic Church, being that they took the word of scripture to be the ultimate authority, whereas the Roman Catholic Church claimed salvation could only come through submission to the pope.
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As a means to contradict scripture and therefore place faith in the church and it’s team of “scientists” the Roman Catholic Church employed Copernicus to publish his theory of a heliocentric model of earth. The acceptance of this theory as fact paved the way for the introduction of The Big Bang Theory and Evolution, which all work against the idea of intelligent design, and the more blinded by science people have become, the more easily they have been controlled. This has always been a battle of the mind and soul.

As centuries have gone by with each new generation being born into deception, it has become a case of argumentum ad populem: a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it. Entire education systems and institutions for research and development have been cultivated supporting this lie and have been so intricately woven into our everyday concept of reality that by the time we developed the means to actually discover whether or not it was true that we did live on a globe, the truth would have caused a devastating collapse for all of these systems. Therefore it has been much easier to maintain the lie than deal with the consequences of allowing the truth to be known. The vast amounts of money that go into maintaining the lies is motivation enough, but it has it’s roots ultimately in a spiritual battle and the control of the masses through the creation of infinite space which diminishes our significance and sense of power.

It is very likely that Copernicus, at some point in his life, had entered the priesthood due to the fact that King Sigismund of Poland put his name on a list of candidates for the vacant episcopal seat of Ermland in 1537.
For many years Copernicus refused to publish his heliocentric theory, but finally agreed to after insistent urging of high officials in the church. As the Catholic Church waged war against the rising protestantism, the newly created Jesuit order was employed to push back against this resistance. Since the publication the Jesuit order has produced more astronomers than any other demographic in Europe.

The heliocentric model of earth paved the way for the introduction of the Big Bang theory and Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. The theory of a Big Bang creating the known universe was in fact formulated by a Jesuit priest. Georges Lemaître was a Belgian mathematician whose work on "the hypothesis on the primeval atom" was to become The Big Bang Theory. These theories as well as the globe model placed in infinite space has been devised as a means of diminishing the divinity of the people, suggesting that we are merely an accident, having evolved from the primordial ooze, and that we are just an insignificant speck in relation to the vastness of the universe. By carefully crafting these deceptions the masses have lost their ability to see their true power and purpose, therefore becoming much easier to control. We have been fooled into placing our faith in men and in science, rather than in God.

As time passed the deception became solidified as truth with each new generation being born into a world where it was accepted as a known fact simply due to popular belief. All of the “science’ around the globe has been reverse engineered to support the seemingly impossible, such as gravity, which explains away every flaw. A large part of the indoctrination process has also included training people to judge anyone claiming the earth is flat as an ignorant fool. The truth of it is just this. If no one had ever taught you that the earth was a ball, spinning, though you never feel a thing, with people magically clinging to the underside because of gravity--If no one had ever taught you these things and suddenly someone tried to tell you this was the case, you would think such an idea was absurd! Based on your own observations and what your senses tell you, the earth is flat and stationary and it is the sun and moon that travel overhead. It is only your belief in the science that claims your senses are lying to you that causes you to dismiss the obvious!

They have lied to us in order to imprison us within our own minds. Over time, entire educational systems and every textbook within that system has been built around these lies. Millions of jobs have been created around research and development in the science fields that are rooted in these lies. The entire macrocosm of our existence is held together by these lies. Of course they don’t want the truth to be known! Everything would completely unravel! The globe lie umbrellas every other lie that our entire existence is based on. When it finally becomes known to all, when we finally see how deeply we have been deceived, the end of this world as we know it will be upon us.


Right on @flatearthchick , question is should people just ignore the evidence to maintain the nice stable lie? It's going to be a mess when the truth becomes known, a good mess perhaps, but a messy mess. @ironshield

That's the problem with the world. People would rather stay in their comfortable little mental prisons than deal with the pain of change and the possible outcomes of waking up.

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