Prepping Greens for Healthy Food ColorChallenge ThursdayGreen

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Prepping Greens for Healthy Food

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These greens were part of a Farmer's Market haul I posted at fitinfunfoto on Behance in 2013. I was working to show people my food at that time. After I lost "half my size" everyone wanted to know what I ate.

fitinfun market haul.png

I picked greens as a topic to focus on - one of the more intimidating foods. I happen to love dark-green greens and I happen to despise lettuce. I was fat all my life and for many of those years, people wanted me to eat salad like this.

garden salad.PNG

Yuck! Iceberg lettuce is not my friend! Instead I like darker greens with more flavor to them. These are a type of parsley. To prepare them, I wash greens with baking soda to get the dust and dirt off.

fitinfun greens washing.PNG

Then this is how lovely they look all picked off the stems which took forever.

fitinfun greens to chop.PNG

Then I used kitchen scissors and cut them finely.

fitinfun cut greens.PNG

Some are used fresh, others frozen and this part I decided to dry. Overnight in the oven was enough and then they will stay nicely until ready to use.

fitinfun drying greens.PNG

I eat greens in soup, salad, smoothies, on eggs, in stir fries - just about any food benefits from greens in my opinion. I made a lot of food videos for my fitinfun You Tube Channel. Here's one show how I was freezing food at the time.

I have a playlist about food to try to explain what I eat and how I eat it if you want to see more.

This is my entry for ColorChallenge ThursdayGreen by @kalemandra

Maybe you have something green to enter as well :)

Nothing at fitinfun would be possible if I was still obese. Anyone can lose weight if I did.

Sharon fitinfun before after.jpg


Eating salad is like torturing yourself. You can still eat healthily when you cook your greens.

That's exactly how I feel about salad - torture! If you throw the greens into soup at the end they are barely cooked and crunchy. I'm good with that :)

Very interesting, I love the healthyfood!

Great job! Steemit Community Quality Support is happy support your original and quality post, this brings benefit to Steemit, so it was chosen to be upvote! Thank you for sharing, keep it up!

Thank you! Very nice of you and I appreciate the support :)

Hello at @fitinfun .... and no I have not been here before. Very impressive lifestyle turnaround. Salads are great... celery is not but consumed because it is good for me. I am one of those very fortunate people that eat what I like, when I like, as much as I like and cope. But that said I have played sport all my life from the age of 8... football, rugby, cycling, triathlons, running, long distance swimming... so I assume my bod needs the calories {grin} ... Nice to meet you ..followed and upvoted.

Thank you! Glad to meet you too - I was already following. I missed the part about exercise until I was much older, put I'm glad to know to do it now. And happy you are on the healthy path too. Eat some celery for me - it's hard to come by in se asia and expensive if I do see it. That's one of the veggies I always liked and I miss it now :)

You inspired me to do a post on my veg collection ...go check it out {smile}

That's awesome! Going over now :)

How great Sharon !Do you know the #FruitsAndVeggiesMonday challenge run by @lenasveganliving ?
May I suggest you to participate to it with such posts ?
The challenge is growing in participation, enthusiasm, cheerfulness and high positive vibs ! ;-)
fruits&veggiesmonday banner.png

Have a wonderful day Sharon ! ^_^

Oh my goodness! Thank you Barbara. Of course I know of this. I've got it on a list and everything!!!!

Seriously - I was tired last night and it is a miracle this is even posted! Thank you so much for the reminder and I will go over there now. Head thudding on table. #tsufamily :)

Glad to you see you branching out to something I can better relate to....FOOD! Yum. Great post Sharron. I made it do Chiang Mai. Canceled my plans for Ko Samet after getting a bad taste in my mouth from Pattaya. Ko Samet would have been me alone with an expensive everything (for thailand) with only thai tourist. i'm already making friends here in Chiang Mai. Very comfortable. I'm happy with my decision. Talk soon. -Dan

Oh that's great. I'm glad you made it safely. Network! Find me a job in a cool place with a pool please. The place is crawling with nomads who need help. Healthy food and social media help. Too bad they already get healthy food but I can cook other cuisines.

I saw your food post too and now I want to have that broth. I think if might be good for me. I wonder if I could just get that. The whole thing looks amazing but - Thai chicken :(

There's a guy outside my balcony cooking and selling roti right now so I know it's going on 4. You have no idea how much I want to try it and he draws crowds daily so I'm sure it's fantastic.

Since the broth is made from the chicken, it probaby contains that ingrediant that sets you off. So you may be out of luck. I'm glad you thought the post was good. I think this series will be a hit. I've already got a couple in the bank ready to be posted. My new posting strtegy of one a day with a bank to pull from has made my steemit activities a lot less time consuming, less stressful, and more enjoyable.

I'll keep what you say in mind if I find anyone here needing assistance. It's a great place and very affordable...Chiang Mai. You may want to consider relocating here. It's a small city, still a city with everything you'd need here. I really like it here and may end up spending more time than planned. Talk soon. -Dan

I hate whole thought of CM, but maybe you can talk me into it. I have a list of reasons I don't think I will like it but I've had 2 opportunities to go. So wishy washy!

I'll go if I can live in a place with a pool near street food. One guy had everything but he was out of town and did not even like his own neighborhood!

We got flooded bad here last night. 2 feet of water on the main road to the mrt at 5 am. People just drive, ride, and walk right through - drag luggage through it! Hoping for no rain. And hope you are having fun :)

Wow. After getting to know you. I think you'd like it here. It's cheaper. There's good street food and good vegitarian restaurants. You have to find the right neighborhood. There might be too many tourist, foreighners, and travelers for you liking though. But you never know, it may totally float your boat. But you do have a prety good set up where your. But wow that flooding is something. I was in Bangkok 5 years ago and half the city was flooded. Was one of the worst monsoon seasons in decades.

Yeah and this was just one 2 hour storm - don't know how that happened.

Take lots of photos. I'm open to suggestion, but someone did post about feeling like he was in Boston when he was in Chaing Mai. That was the first time I ever heard of the place before I left Cali - so it sticks in my mind :)

What the heck was that guy smoking? Chiang Mai is like Boston. OK......? That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard, and I've been to Boston.

lol - I think he was talking about finding the same people and attitudes from back home. I think you would not have that trouble :)

That parsley looks great... Hopefully it tastes just as well. Great job on the transformation in the pictures at the bottom.

Thank you! It does taste great. For those who aren't too thrilled with greens, you can add just a bit and not change the flavor too much. Thanks for the compliment about my weight loss. I am so glad that's over with! It was about 6 years ago that I got done with it :)

Are you vegetarian or vegan?

No, but Caleb is vegetarian since birth so I had to adapt. He refused meat as a baby so I went vegetarian when he was about 9 months old or so. Then I went back somewhat, but he will not eat meat at all - maybe sushi once a year or something. And he eats eggs and cheese.

I'm meat-a-tarian now. I do AIP/Paleo to fight auto-immune disease symptoms and it works as well as the rx I used to take. I've been doing it a few years. It's bone broth, organ meat, gelatin, eggs, greens, some veggies, some fruit, no poison, and a huge list of what to avoid for inflammation.

Here I eat BBQ meat on a stick or steamed meat or fish and some flash fried. I eat a lot of liver. It bloomed my health when I got here sickly from SoCal.

How about you? I haven't made comments yet, but I've been drooling over your harvest photos. I love every single thing you post. Persimmons! Pomegranate! Etc! Keep posting lol. Even though you homesteaders are a non-sharing bunch. Wow - low engagement on those comparatively. Everyone is out farming., I guess.

You are right! most of the homesteaders are duds when it comes to online engagement. papa pepper is an exception. He knows how to do this online thing and still be outside as well.
I do bone broth, fermented foods, organic meats - no pork though and I like very small amounts of meat with lots of veggies. I used to eat much more grains than I do now, but my son really got into baking sourdough bread.... and I am from Germany. We eat a lot!!!!! of bread!!
Does Caleb take vit B complex?
Organ meat is hard to get here and unless it is from a permaculture raised animal, I don't want to eat it..... But love it.

My idea for the homesteaders is to go through that list of 200 and find the top 30 who interact and then get them going. We can't leave everything to papa. With over 200, you guys could take over twitter! Steemit as a whole sucks on interaction and I'm trying my best to help.

Caleb doesn't take pills, so I will say no to the b complex. He was eating nutritional yeast and loved it but I don't know if he has any now. He's a good eater and an excellent cook - he took cooking in high school and is a natural anyway.

Have you tried millet, farro (costco) or pearled barley or barley grass? I am a baker and I was just buying a pound or two of odd grain eash time I went the store. I used organic puffed cereals in bread recipes - you can soak it to much. As long as i have variety, I'm ok.

The bread is terrible here. Think wonderbread or glue. I've had bread mabe twice in 18 months.

You have to watch your meat sources, but there might be small local sources out by you - esp for chickens and eggs. It sounds like you and I are on the same page for food. I do AIP/paleo and feel so much better!

I have chickens and they give me eggs and also meat. Today, I went to a yoga festival and my friend treated me to a visit with a psychic - she told me to eat more red meat :)

If I can get organic liver, I will buy it. doesn't happen often.

I was thinking to go through the post as well. I'll let you know when I find a good one and you let me know too, okay. Let's get those people going!!

I did not switch to the organ meat as much until I moved here since it is cheap and plentiful - huge benefits to my pain and energy levels. In California I had good luck with going to Mexican butchers and small food stores. They are a lot more health conscious than I expected.

I will let you know what happens with the list. Interaction is hard here! I'm not giving up, but it sure takes effort!

Interesting about the psychic. I should find out what they have here. I find Thai people generally believe in everything. nothing shocks them or seems unbelievable. Such a relief after the land of doubt I came from :)

Lucky you with the chickens. That's luxury!

Nice to be among people who are open to things which go beyond what we can see - at least with our eyes. Of course, often, that also can mean superstitions and crazy traditions, but good stuff can flourish as well.

The psychic I saw also is psychology professor - kind of interesting....

I'm superstitious beyond belief. The people here believe in ghosts like they are walking down the street - very striking compared to the us. Everyone tells me a ghost story in the first times we meet - even if translated. I have quite a few stories written from this but it's not my general interest so they sit for now. Walking alone at night like I do is exceptionally interesting here.

I'm trying to write "how to" this week and post more in general. Please look at steemiteducation tag and fit yourself into it. I'm doing one today if I get my act together. And trying for a few a week. If they like you - you will get good payouts.

You have done so well and seem to be able to stick with it. I think this is what most people find so hard, at the first sign of stress they revert to their "comfort food". Keep going and enjoying a healthy lifestyle, I am right behind you.

I think what made the difference for me was creating my own new comfort foods that I enjoy. I really don't miss much from my old toxic food. I should do a post about how bad my food was back in the day.

If I'm stressed and food seems to be the answer - I eat it. But it's not full of garbage. It was a big change but a simple one. After six years - I still have not found a good way to explain this. I hope to do more steemit posts and maybe work it out. I was a fat 4 year old and lost weight at 50 so obesity was life for me and I still can't believe it's over :)

I'm so glad you are on the healthy path too. It's so much easier and leads to such better days.

I gave up eating all grains because the toxins just got too much, and like you said, I don't miss it and feel much better for it. PS. thanks for the vote!

So true! I can eat some grains - but not any from the us unless organic. Maybe two servings a week is enough for me and that's split up. No wheat for sure.
I like barley and farro. I learned to make barley water and that is a big hit with my health. Right now before commenting I just ate some small amount of barley, seaweed, and cabbage in a lot of hot water for soup and I feel really energetic now!

I have a plan of up voting good comments on my posts and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm not doing bots so hopefully people might remember me later. Thanks for commenting and keep going with your lifestyle improvements. It all snowballs as you keep working it.

Trying out - not sure if i like it better than Steemit.... What are you using?

I only post here - no chats or any other platforms. But I'm not ruling it out. Write a post for noobs and dummies and maybe I'll try. I'm kind of single minded and too much is too much. Plus I promote what I resteem on about 6 platforms, depending, so I don't really want to do something else. They need to fix this place. Not tells noobs to go somewhere else better. Ergh...

Check this out! For 150 Simbi and 2 messages - a guy is sending a care package to my son of grocery staples! In mid-month! This is a Godsend. I logged in and this offer popped up "I will send food to you or anyone." The average deal over there is 25 simbi or less. I have over 1000 (simbi rich), so I could jump on his offer. He just answered right back - done! It's rice, beans, canned goods - he fills a flat rate box. I'm in happy shock now :)

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

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