Fresh bamboo shoots - 新鲜的竹笋

in #food8 years ago

And friends to go fishing, back on the road to see someone in the acquisition of bamboo shoots,I think bamboo shoots only winter and spring will have, did not think of artificial cultivation of bamboo shoots, the fall also, is now more expensive price, $2 a pound , Or the price in the ground, shipped to the market selling price of more than $4 to $5








Do you like to eat? I smell the scent of bamboo :)

和朋友一起去钓鱼,回来的路上看到有人在收购竹笋,一直以为笋子只有冬天和春天才会有,没想到现在人工种植的竹笋,秋天也有,就是现在价格比较贵一些,12块一斤,还是在地里头的价格,运到市场的销售价格超过20以上了,你们喜欢吃吗? 我闻到了竹子的香味


they are yummy if you know how to prepare it .

young bamboo shoot salad:
1 or 1/2 pc bamboo shoots
1 or 2 pcs onions
2-3 cm ginger
ground pepper

  1. Slice the shoots thinly and boil properly.
    Drain and remove the excess water.

  2. Slice onions and ginger to tiny pieces.

  3. Mix the bamboo shoots and the engredients together. Add some vinegar according to taste preferences.Add pepper to heighten the tastebut it can do without.

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