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RE: Bla's Pet Peeves

in #petpeeves6 years ago

One's attire shapes culture. Ethnicity also shapes culture to an extent, but you shouldn't dismiss it just because it's an object

indeed one's attire shapes culture and i never dismiss it because it was an object. What i stated and i am gonna state again it was a fact. It war very likely due to trading throughout most of our history for objects to of one's culture to be everywhere and in other words used by anyone. When merchants sold things and still do they said and say "a Chinese cloth" and thus most people knew where it came from or some things it represented. Also, about the dreadlocks the ones makings the fuzz are some uneducated blacks and whites who for some reason think they own it while if we check the history of dreadlocks we gonna see that some of the earliest forms came from India and yep Greece. (Google it). Still it's completely different and i see this once again to talk about an object or a style that i stated that mostly nobody knows where the style came from or the object with that of a nationality. It's like i say the first Chinese were Greeks something completely inaccurate

I take my point then that Greeks wouldn't be offended. I guess you guys are indeed a little touchy over your myths.

So apparently that has an attitude toward us because we don't agree with you so we are "touchy towards our myths" myths that you were unaware about a little while ago. You just knew something generic about the Troy war probably from movies you have seen or thing that you heard so you formed a biased opinion.

I don't know if you realise it, but what you're doing here is political correctness. You're putting fictional characters on a pedestal, and getting outraged over the fact that a character you worship isn't being portrayed in the way you like. The author is long dead. New authors re-invent existing characters all the time.

I said that multiple times but you try to twist my words and meaning a bit. It's not that a character "i worship isn't the way i like" It isn't the way the author portrayed him and thus it's disrespectful towards him and all the fans Also, when we are talking about a movie or something that is historic you can't just twist everything. You have a vast audience and you have and obligation to present some historic facts accurate, like tradition, customs, ethnicity, fighting style. Check out Vikings and how all this made the show having such great reviews and earnings. People like history especially when it's represented in the right way.

Also, regarding the agenda and this people are not that silly to not understand why we have movies and series like that. To please a certain audience because somehow we need to please it. I again say that easily you can an existing author (there are countless) with his brand new story and world that has every minority and every gender inside and easily make a series or movie about it.

A lot of new authors that wanna reinvent a character do it with respect both towards the previous author as well as the current audience or the whole culture-country around it, especially when it's historical. If you make something full of inaccuracies you will take what you deserve. 3.8/10 reviews. Easily they could create Troy in a parallel universe and change everything but apparently they didn't. Also, check the Troy of 2004 with Brand Pit. A masterpiece in every aspect and a huge success primarily cause they respected the history,the author and the culture.

That's not what I said. To clarify, I said he isn't white, because he's fictional. When I said white, I meant real white. Real ethnicity can only exist in the real world. Achilles is a fictitious character, therefore he has no real ethnicity.

First of all Greek's are Caucasians not exactly the white concept you have in mind so a reason more about The rock portrayed Hercules! Once again the author wrote about his ethnicity and that's Greek and then he added the hair. So we are talking about A blond Caucasian which easily representing how Greeks were the given time. If he didn't mention an ethnicity or a hair nobody would have cared but once again they are completely changing all the author facts and twisting culture,history and disrespecting everyone. Therefore he has ethnicity because once again the author gave one to him.

Most of the authors when create something they give you a pretty accurate description of how the character look like and if it's historic or something regarding our world he give you a nationality. If we are talking about other planets and stuff you can easily change the color, ethnicity and everything (if the color isn't mentioned). When though you have everything and you go and change it just because it's lack or respect towards everyone. The dead part is just an excuse. So if an author dies we can take his ideas,book, "inheritance" and do whatever we want with it, just because his dead.

Fun fact that you probably didn't know as well. The Iliad and odyssey by Homer has proven to be more than a book. The places, wars and stuff he wrote, a lot of them prove to exist in the exact places he wrote and there were indication about actual wars and stuff. He helped archaeologist discover way too many things and that's one of the reasons he is consider one of the top ones, not only because of literature. That means that a lot of thing he wrote aren't "mythology" he just combined mythology with truth, apparently to make it more appealing i don't know. In other words we are not talking about only mythology here, we are talking about actual historic facts.

I thought the main idea of political correctness was to be able to say and do things we want, and if people find it disrespectful or offensive, they should just grow a thicker skin and not be such a beta about it.

It doesn't matter what you think because the answer is the exact opposite of this.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated PC) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

So apparently you had no idea about Homer and Iliad, just some stuff you heard somewhere or saw in a movie but you said abut searching something you never did it yourself. You had no clue what is mythology and what is reality,history,facts and how those tied together in his work. You don't care what others can do to an author's work if he is long dead. You also don't care the way someone will present historic facts in his movie/series when he deems it historic and finally you showed with your last statement that don't even know what political correctness means, just a though once again.

Ahh and before i forget it. The patriotic thing you keep saying. It's another word that has Greek originality and apparently you don't know the exact meaning. I would be patriotic and i would agree with the term "patriotic correctness" only if i was talking specifically about my country and movies/film regarding my country, in other words only about the Troy. I spoke about most of the movies changing the historic facts if they deem themselves "historic" or show lack of respect towards the author (dead or alive) and the fans who grew up with a certain character. Therefore, to say to me about "patriotic correctness" is once again inaccurate


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