Writing & Reviews promotion: Help us with feedback on our soon-to-come website! // Promoción de Writing & Reviews: Ayúdanos con feedback para nuestra próxima página web!

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)


Creo que jamas pense que podria hacer algo por el estilo... pero ultimamente, estuve empezando a aprender como hacer paginas web y jugando con los diferentes lenguajes que se necesitan para ejercer en posiciones de desarrollador Front-End. Alli se va gran parte de mi energia ultimamente, como parte de mi gran idea de cambiar de carrera... y hoy, mientras estudiaba, se me ocurrio de golpe:

Si estoy aprendiendo a hacer paginas web...

Que mejor forma de practicar que creando una pagina web para Writing & Reviews?!



Tengo que decir que me encanta la idea, ya que me da incluso mas ganas de aprender ahora. Pero, a medida que se me ocurrian ideas para ello, me di cuenta que me gustaria pedir algo de feedback al respecto, ya que soy nueva en todo esto. Asique, me ayudarian muchisimo comentandome que es lo que les gustaria ver!!

Por favor, haganme saber que piensan al respecto:

  • Que es lo que les gustaria ver en la web?
  • Preferirian ver noticias relacionadas a W&R o ver publicaciones destacadas?
  • Te gustan las paginas interactivas? Que es lo que mas te gusta ver en ellas?
  • Que colores te gustaria ver en la pagina? Colores vivos o colores claros?
  • Que tipo de estructura te gustaria ver, una publicacion tras otra o una pantalla en la que puedas ver tres publicaciones y un peque;o detalle de ellas?
  • Como piensas que se veria la pagina de inicio??

Muchas gracias a todos los que participen!
Veremos que sale de todo esto...



I never though I would be able to do something like this... but I've been learning lately how to create webpages and playing with all the different languages that are user for Front-End positions. That's mostly where I'm spending a lot of my energy nowadays as part of my path of changing careers... and today, as I was studying, it came to my mind all of a sudden:

If I'm learning to develop and create high-quality websites...

Why not practice while creating a brand new website for Writing & Reviews?!



I have to say that I love the idea, as it sounds a lot more encouraging to me right now. But as I was going through all the things that I'd like to do for it, I got to realize that I need some feedback on all this, as I'm a newbie. So, mind giving me some ideas on what all of you would like to see there?

Please, leave a comment with your thoughts:

  • What would you like to see there?
  • Would you use it to read news regarding W&R or would you prefer to see featured posts?
  • Do you like websites that are interactive/have animated content? What do you like the most to see there?
  • What shade of colours would you like to see? Vivid colours or softer ones?
  • Which layout would you like best, one post after another or three different posts with a little preview?
  • How do you think the homepage would look like??

Thank you all so much! Let's see what turns out of this!!!

Saludos amiga @fendit me encanta tu idea. Mi aporte es que puedas incorporar los enlaces a los post publicados y se pueda acceder a ellos en otra ventana, y no perder la visualización de la ventana principal. Además de un link donde estén las normas de la comunidad, ya que puede ser que por desconocimiento se incurra en un error y se vean en la necesidad de silenciar la publicación. Colores suaves y navegación intuitiva. Éxitos en tu proyecto.
 3 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tus comentarios, amigo!! Lo tendre en cuenta!!

 3 years ago 

Greetings ♥️

Hey respected miss @fendit
First of all I am here to give you best wishes and best of luck. ♥️
I would like to see motivational and kindness and hope spreading posts 😊
And as IT expert I would like to say that sometimes you will get bored so never give up 😊
Because it is effort taking task
Choosing morning time will be best time to work on it
Colors or themes I would like to suggest are light color pink and parrot color
Because sharp color will make the reader tired sometimes

I hope you will like my idea
Regards ♥️
@ssadil 😇

 3 years ago 

Thank you friend!! So far it's really interesting to me, as it's everything new!
Thank you for the suggestions, i'll take them into account!

 3 years ago 


Excelente iniciativa @fendit, esta interesante conocer un poco de literatura y por supuesto, la respectiva sección para el cine.

Un abrazo

 3 years ago 

No faltara!! :)
Gracias por tus palabras, amigo!

 3 years ago 

Very good idea anda good luck for you @fendit

 3 years ago 

Thank you!!!

 3 years ago 

Hopefully can parcitipate in many of your project in steemit platform

many readers want to read stories that inspire, lead to change, I like your writing, greetings to friends, I like to follow you, @fendit

 3 years ago 

Thank you friend!!

 3 years ago 

Hola querida amiga @fendit buen día
Que bueno que estés muy entusiasmada con tu proyecto. felicitaciones
Creo que la pagina debe contener un cuadro de presentación de nuestra compañia Steemit y un enlace directo a que se registren
Información útil para los recién llegados.
Información de los concursos semanales y las actividades especiales
Un cuadro para destacar a una persona ( Como el elegido semanal)
Un contador de visita no puede faltar y un campo para comentarios.
Éxito en tu proyecto.
Te deseo un gran día

 3 years ago 

Gracias por tus comentarios, amigo!!
Me gustaron mucho, los tendre en cuenta!

 3 years ago 

Good luck with the new project. I have following few points regarding the questions you asked

  • You should have an attractive logo for your website.
  • A Writing & Review website should have featured posts as it's primary content. But a section should also be available for W&R News.
  • Animations may be used for the homepage, but once a user wants to read a post, a separate page might open with simple elegant layout, but without animations, as they might prove to be a distraction or disturbance for someone who just wants to read an interesting article. (I am sorry if I am being too technical here 😬)
  • Three (or more) different posts with preview is a good idea, rather than user having to scroll down to see the next post.
  • You might also like to consider different sections for different languages on your website.
 3 years ago 

Nice suggestions, friend!
I really liked them, so thank you for all this!!

 3 years ago 

You are most welcome friend 🙂

A brand new website for W&R... Wonderful.🤩🤩 This is a brilliant idea. I would like to see featured posts on the website, I think it would be a great motivation tool for the members of the community. In my opinion, I think interactive websites are the best. It gives people the opportunity to come together and share; it makes the website lively which is a good thing. As for the layout, I think three different posts with a preview would do it. When it comes to colors, I think it would depend on the whole theme of the website although, vivid colors do stick out🤗

 3 years ago 

Nice ideas and thank you so much for this feedback, friend!
Will take them into account!


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