Managing Conflict

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)


Conflict simply means a clash between individuals as a result of difference in attitudes, understanding, thought process, interests, requirements and perceptions.

Ego clashes can result to conflict because individuals have different opinions and reactions to various situations. No two individuals can think the same, there is definitely a difference in their thought process as well as their understanding.

Conflict can start anytime and any place, so it is important for one to think carefully before speaking.

Don't unnecessarily shout on others as it brings a lot of negativity around. We should always be very clear and transparent in our communications.



Never play with words and the content of your communication has to be specific to avoid conflict.

It is imperative therefore to understand the factors that can lead to conflict and avoid them. An individual must consider all events which can lead to a fight for proper conflict management.

Dialogue goes a long way in preventing conflict. As long as there is a relationship between two people with diverse personalities, then conflict becomes inevitable. You may not always agree on everything or have the same ideas and opinions about a lot of things.



There are ways and procedures to manage grievances which should be familiar to us. This is a process that involves plans to avoid conflict as much as possible, and handling disputes when they occur, as smoothly and within the shortest time possible.

Conflict management appreciates that not all conflicts can be resolved, but they should be managed to a productive level such that they do not escalate to a level affecting performance and production.

Unresolved conflicts usually lead to aggressive behavior. It is important therefore for individuals and teams to evaluate whether they harbor good management styles or not, and make conscious efforts to reform their skills in case they don’t.

 3 years ago 

Hello @felichi your post is 93% Unique

You seem to copy from this source 👇
Make sure you cite the source to any word,idea or images that is not yours. I hope you will improve in this area.

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