(정보) 관심있는 블록체인 뉴스 180713

in #coinkorea6 years ago

Designed by @chosigageo

안녕하세요, @feelsogood 입니다.

관심있는 블록체인 뉴스를 정리하였습니다.

1. Ripple Wants to Beat Bitcoin in India, Initially Planned to Giveaway Billions


Ripple (XRP), the largest bank-targeted blockchain protocol, is attempting to take over 50 percent of India’s finance sector by processing payments with low fees and efficient systems.
At the Scaling and Digital Disruption in Fintech conference, Ripple Vice President Asheesh Birla, said that the company envisions surpassing the adoption rate of bitcoin to ensure XRP becomes the dominant cryptocurrency in the region.
Currently, as of July 12, one XRP costs around $0.44 and at its peak, XRP was valued at over $3.00. During a panel, Birla revealed that Ripple planned to giveaway two billion XRP to the entire population of India, to streamline the process of introducing XRP to the nation and encourage the usage of the cryptocurrency.

“We looked early on at India, and we looked at two billion people – a huge market. And we decided, how do you get two billion people onto Ripple? Do we give the currency away to every Indian, that’s like two billion – just give it away?”

리플 XRP 이 인도 내에서 점유율을 높이기 위해 20억 XRP를 무상 배분하고 사용을 장려할 계획이라고 합니다.

2. Korean Government-Backed Researchers File for Blockchain Patent


A South Korean government-funded organization has submitted a blockchain-related patent application to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), public documents show.
The application, which was submitted by the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) on January 10 of this year, details a blockchain-powered system for managing data that belongs to public organizations.
More specifically, the system, fueled by a number of servers, would record the financial transaction history of a public organization on a blockchain. To boost the system's reliability, a third-party server is also introduced to the structure as it does "a mathematical operation."
At the heart of the concept is an effort to boost transparency around information tied to public organizations.

한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)이 미국특허청에 블록체인 시스템 특허를 출원했다고 합니다. 공공기관의 데이터 관리에 블록체인을 이용하는 내용입니다.

3. Thailand’s Central Bank is Reviewing Several Blockchain Applications Including Cross-Border Payments


The march towards the adoption of blockchain technology in Thailand’s mainstream financial sector seems unstoppable.
In a speech delivered during the Bloomberg ASEAN Business Summit, the governor of the Bank of Thailand, Dr. Veerathai Santiprabhob, revealed that the central bank was undertaking a review of blockchain applications for purposes of document authentication, supply chain financing and cross-border payments. This is being carried out through the central bank’s regulatory sandbox.
“The sandbox serves as a platform for financial institutions and FinTech firms to test new technologies and operating standards in a safe environment before the products and services are launched to the general public,” said Santiprabhob. “Technologies under (sic) reviewed include … blockchain applications for cross-border payments, supply chain financing, and document authentication.”

태국 중앙은행 총재 Dr. Veerathai Santiprabhob가 Sandbox를 통해 문서 인증, 공급망 금융, 해외송금 등 다양한 블록체인 활용방안에 대해 심사 중이라고 발표했습니다.

좋은 하루되세요 ^^

Designed by @kimtaewoo


(jjangjjangman 태그 사용시 댓글을 남깁니다.)
[제 0회 짱짱맨배 42일장]3주차 보상글추천, 1,2주차 보상지급을 발표합니다.(계속 리스팅 할 예정)

3주차에 도전하세요

그리고 즐거운 스티밋하세요!

항상 감사합니다 :)

maikuraki님이 feelsogood님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
maikuraki님의 짱짱맨 출석부 2018년 07월 14일 #jjangjjangman

...r> chkim4431 [KR#215]대형참사 feelsogood/td> (정보) 관심있는 블록체인 뉴스 180711 noisy...

simsimi님이 feelsogood님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
sjchoi님의 [일일 미션] 2018년 7월 13일 초성퀴즈 + 보팅 추첨

.../> 0 170 13 feelsogood/td> 2018년07월12일 22시31분
0.016 83...

XRP는 굉장히 공격적이네요.
흑흑 소식들은 요즘 다 좋은데...주말 지나면
장에 끼인 구름이 좀 걷히길 바랍니다.

공격적으로 사용되면 좋겠어요 ㅎㅎ
시장에 맑은 날들만 오길 기대합니다 ㅠ

즐건 주말 되세요.. 리플이라도 가즈아...

리플이라도 가면 좋겠어요 ㅠㅠ 주말 다 지나서야 봤네요;; 죄송해요

짱짱맨 출석부 호출로 왔습니다.

짱짱맨 감사합니다 ^^

인도와 태국이 핫하군요. 정도 잘 보고 갑니다!

아직 덜 체계적인 나라에 적용하는게 더 효율적이라 그런거 같기도 해요. 감사합니다 ^^

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