[Blog] Keeper Of The Light - Dota 2 Review Hero Vol.52

in #gaming6 years ago

Hello Steemian, welcome back to my blog. Well, in this post I want to review about Dota 2 game, and now we are already in episode 52. Today we will discuss about Keeper Of The Light. Let's review it.

Keeper Of The Light

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Ezalor the Keeper of the Light is a run Intelligence Hero well known for his notoriety for being a one-man bolster group. Supporting his partners in need, and pushing unguarded paths easily, Ezalor is an exceptionally profitable partner for any group. Having an assortment of valuable capacities, he can channel an effective globe of exceptional light that can vigorously harm a multitude of foe sneaks in the path, taking into consideration a simple push; and control the mana around him, reestablishing mana for himself and his partners or depleting the mana of his adversary. His Ultimate enables him to pick up his full power, giving Ezalor access to 2 sub-capacities and an enhanced existing capacity, giving him six distinct capacities altogether. Manager of the Light requires tolerance, certainty, and benevolent conduct to play him well, as he is played as a help rather than an executioner caster like most Intelligence gankers. His wide arrangement of capacities additionally requires great planning, reflexes, and learning to utilize well.



Upon a pale steed he rides, this start of unlimited suns, this Keeper of the Light. Ezalor long prior got away from the Fundamental plane, isolating from the other antiquated powers to which he was bound inside the colossal Primordial congruity. He is a power become conscious in the beginning of the universe, and now rides forward in all planes without a moment's delay, one stage in front of seeking after bedlam, bearing his blessing with him toward the finish of a brilliant staff. His magnificent truth lies covered up underneath the outward appearance of a marginally doddering old man who scarcely remains in the seat. Be that as it may, when looked with the test of turmoil, or the powers of haziness, his primordial light blasts forward, and his full power is uncovered, changing him by and by into a power to be figured with.


Manager of the Light fills in as a proficient help who can help his partners and ruin his adversaries with his variety of capacities. He can watch incredibly increase the energy of a path, and progress into a pusher and counter-pusher past the laning stage.

Generic Lane Support

To play a direct Keeper of the Light, maximize Chakra Magic as quickly as time permits and spotlight on keeping your partners' mana supply up. An esteem point in Illuminate offers some harm, particularly if colleagues have lockdowns to enable you to arrive it. You can even now arrive Illuminate without anyone else in the event that you channel out of vision, as among trees, and toward path creeps where foes will doubtlessly go to get cultivate. Thus, an esteem point in Mana Leak gives additional control to your group. Be that as it may, it doesn't generally conflict with rivals who can hold fast like Bristleback, exchange hits with you like Windranger with Windrun, can remain without mana like Ax, or have scatters like Fortune's End. Maximizing Chakra Magic works best on the off chance that you have a path accomplice who can make great utilization of the mana to dispatch spells at the foe. A consistent torrent of Storm Hammers, Wraithfire Blasts, or Spirit Lances can go far to secure your path and potentially net a murder. Manager of the Light usualy wears Tranquil Boots, as he doesn't generally require the mana gave by Arcane Boots, so you can begin the amusement with Wind Lace to finish the boots at the Side Lane Shop. In the event that you are anticipating building Guardian Greaves, at that point you can keep Boots of Speed until the point that you officially completed the Mekansm. You can play Keeper of the Light as a caring position 6, purchasing each help things for group. Besides, Keeper of the Light ought to dependably consider a Force Staff as it is a generally useful help thing that can likewise be utilized forcefully on a foe once Mana Leaked. Joined with the push from Blinding Light, you will expel simply over 55% of a foe's mana pool.

Annoying Lane Support

Some saints bargain inadequately against Mana Leak, defending a few levels in the capacity. Illustrations incorporate saints who rushed to escape, for example, Dark Seer Dark Seer and Weaver, and mana subordinate scuffle legends that can't exchange hits with you like Earthshaker or Clockwerk. Leveling Mana Leak builds its cast go so you can utilize it from a protected separation. Be that as it may, the other two capacities fill in as bread and margarine of Keeper of the Light so you ought not overlook them totally. Along these lines, you should reconsider before putting further in Mana Leak.


A few players, including proficient ones, think Keeper about the Light sparkles most with Aghanim's Scepter for the vision and recuperates he gives amid daytime, permitting map control and solid pushes to the foe position of authority. In the early diversion, you should impact crawl waves and wilderness stacks with Illuminate for simple ranch, and in addition utilizing Chakra Magic on yourself for mana while additionally diminishing Illuminate's cooldown to quicken gold wage. You will require no less than two focuses in Chakra Magic before it completely takes care of Illuminate's mana expense, so take that second point at level 3. Additionally, consider purchasing Clarity to cultivate wilderness before level 2 Chakra Magic. Apprentices can skip Spirit Form until the point that level 8 or 9 and ranch with Illuminate before crawl waves and wilderness camps. Better players will utilize Spirit Form's Illuminate to cultivate different wilderness camps immediately while the genuine saint is stacking those same camps and aggroing the deadheads in scope of the impact, so they take Spirit Form at level 6. The best players will likewise stack and homestead various camps, without Spirit Form, so they can likewise skip it. When you have acquired Aghanim's Scepter, your ranch should accelerate significantly more and you ought to have the capacity to get more things. Mekansm or Pipe of Insight will give manage to your group to keep the pushes going, while Ghost Scepter or Eul's Scepter of Divinity may spare your life. Late amusement choices incorporate Scythe of Vyse for the hex.


  • Attendant of the Light has low quality and defensive layer, in this manner he depends on situating and effective capacities to remain alive.
  • Attendant of the Light pushes well, as he can recharge colleagues' and his own mana with Chakra Magic, permitting degenerate utilization of pushing capacities, and Illuminate can nuke whole crawl waves. Alongside his capacity to reposition partners all around with Recall for fortification.
  • Play Keeper of the Light in the safelane to bug foe with his impressive capacities. He can likewise play in the offlane to disturb the foe convey from getting ranch.


Bad Against

  • Anti-Mage
  • Huskar
  • Legion Commander
  • Lifestealer
  • Night Stalker
  • Nyx Assassin

Good Against

  • Bristleback
  • Earth Spirit
  • Monkey King
  • Timbersaw
  • Wraith King

Good Work With

  • Anti-Mage
  • Luna
  • Pudge
  • Invoker
  • Tinker
  • Anti-Mage
  • Phoenix
  • Templar Assassin
  • Brewmaster
  • Bristleback
  • Huskar


Start and Consumable




Final Complex Build + Buyback

Hero Skills Build


Hero Talents Build


Ok guys, some reviews about Keeper of The Light, hopefully useful and add insight for the beginner players Dota 2. If you like this post, don't forget Vote and Follow.

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