The diary game 24/5/2024

in Steem4Bloggers2 months ago

Assalam o Alaikum!

I hope so you all are fine with the grace of Allah almighty I am also fine . I am here with you to discuss my day with you First I get up early in the morning and take bath and then I went to mosque and offered prayer then I sit here for half an hour because it is Sunnah to sit in a mosque untill the sun rises.

Then I come back to the mosque and went to the hostel room and picked my water bottle and fill it from the water cooler which is situated outside the hostel after that I reached again in a hostel and use mobile for a while then I go to hotel for breakfast.


Today the breakfast is so delicious and have a good taste then I come back to the hostel and start studying for two hours. Then I tired and use mobile for fresh my mind so I use Instagram s well as use tik tok for refreshments then I again started studying. Now it is a time to prayer because today is Friday so I take shower in this time my roommate are also come to there so I ablution and use sent because in Friday it is Sunnah to use fregnent then we went to the mosque but there is a great rush there so I went to the roof and then sit here .


Here I hear sermon today is very hot and there is no fan in our roof so I say prayer and then immediately come back to the hostel . Then I sit here for a while and drink cold water and become relax here after that I went outside cross the road and reached on ATM and then withdraw my money because I have some money left here then come back to the hostel and start studying again.


After some time I feel hungry so I went to hotel and buy rice there and fullfill our hunger and then I went to milk shop and buy a cup of dhi and pay my bill and then come back to hostel now i am very tired so I decided to sleep for one or two hours.

After that I got up and my roommate told me that our iron were spoiled so we went to electric shop and then fix it so I with my roommate went there and fix our iron good and then pic our iron and went to the mess hotel for doing mess we are almost near the mess hotel then a thunderstorm and almost out electricity were gone but we reached at hotel and we ordered our mess and ate there we are sitting here for ten minutes for waiting the stop the thunder then some time later it is stop so I came back to the electrical shop and pic our iron and went to the hostel.

Beacuse our light were gone so I went to the roof and enjoyed the weather here and wait for coming the light after some time light were come so I went to our room and then use mobile after that I starting preparation of our papers because papers are too close us I have none preparation for papers so I started preparation for papers and then still study late at night and then sleep.

Thanks for visiting my post


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