The role of community governance in decentralized projects

in Tron Fan Club5 months ago

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What really is the role of community governace in decentralized projects, have anyone thought about that, well I know I have. How decisive is it really in the decision making of decentralized project and does it help in ensuring transparency or not, well that's the basis of my discussion I will like to breakdown the role of community governace in decentralized project because they play a very pivotal role I must say.


Key roles community governace play in decentralized project


Well one of th role of community governace in decentralized project is decision making, say this is very important for users to be able to be involved in the decision making of the project which will affect them, so in effect community governace help to ensure that all the participants or users in a project are able to take part in the decisions that affects their future and not leave it to just a single person or central entity this ensures a transparent Democratic process where everyone in included in all that's happening and incases any decision is to be reached that involves possible protocol upgrade or any implementation in the project or possible changes in it's parameters it will be to the full knowledge of everyone because they would all be included in the decision making.

Also community governace also helps to ensure transparency in decentralized project, well since everyone is able to participate in the networks decision making then there will be a clear line of visibility as in an event of any need for project development all would see clearly where there is a need for such and even help in bringing up solutions on how to go about it. So community governace gives full rein to the and access to the participants to any information they might want to be made privy to concerning the project or any proposals at all which ensures for transparency and trust of the community members.

Also another integral role of community governace is that it helps provide much needed incentives to those who are invested in them. Ofcourse it's believed for you to be invested on the project you wish for the betterment of the project and you have vision for the project hence the mechanism ensures that these users who have a shared interest in the betterment of the project take part in the decisions since whatever decisions are made has a direct impact on the value of their investments thus decentralized projects involve token holders as well in the decisions that impact or affect the future of the project.

With change in time and seasons things changes and issues may also arise in a project, in this case now the community plays a key role as they come together to see how they can adapt to change in circumstances and if need be they even vote for any possible adjustment needed to be made for the betterment of the project which will thus help the decentralized project not to lose its relevance over time as there is a well concerned community looking after it's welfare and ensuring it's remains relevant enough to always satisfy the needs of her large user base as the case maybe.

The governace the community ensures also means that they help alot in the managing risk, they discuss and come up with a mechanism which will help in mitigating risk that is facing the project, because when they come together they come up with with thought about the vulnerabilities in the network and maybe needs for changing the protocols or maybe if there is possible risk facing the project as it regards the economy the discuss this possible potential risks and come up with a proper assessment for it and ways for this risk to be mitigated properly so indeed community governace help in risk management of a decentralized project.

The community governace also ensures all the participants in a decentralized project are given a sense of belonging in respective of this stakes whether large or small everyone have a sense of shared ownership, what this means is that unlike what we see in proof of stake consensus mechanism where decision making lies with those with larger stakes this is not done here as community governace ensures all the participants have say no matter how small the stakes maybe and this goes a long way in fighting against risk of centralization like in proof of stake so that's another pivotal role of community governace to decentralized project.



Well ofcourse we can see it clearly no more a matter of speculation, community governace plays a major role in decentralized project and ensures all the members of the community are happy as they are all viewed as equal and part of one body, what a fine way to folster true decentralization.


Your article is very good. Nicely explained about community governance in decentralized projects. I hope you write articles like this in the future.Thank you.

Very nice article from you brother. It was in detail post. Thanks for sharing.

I sight you 🙂

You have published a very nice detailed discussion about it, really well written. thank you

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This is a well prepared content, I fully understand now the role that community governance plays in decentralized projects. Thanks for sharing

Truly appreciate your comment, thanks for visiting my post

The role of community governance in decentralized projects is immense. Thank you for the nice description.

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