The Ethics of Cryptocurrency Investment

in Tron Fan Club6 months ago

People normally wonder about the morality of cryptocurrencies, I mean it's very common to question the good and badness of something, it's effect as well as how it affects every other thing in general and in cryptocurrencies people question it's ethics as it regards the morality as to whether it's good or bad for the environment or society so to speak whilst some often ask or wonder if it has affected our view of financial investment.

Truth be told there are some concerns often raised in this regards as it regards to investing in cryptocurrencies as some wonder wether investing in such volatile asset often used in money laundering is sound, they question the morality and ethics as regards the environment, knowing that this asset class could be easily manipulated as well as often used by dubious people in carrying out untraceable transactions and the fact that there are some wonderful project that is really worth investing that means that the ethics of cryptocurrencies investment needs to be discussed for a balanced view of cryptocurrencies investment and this is this where I come in.


Ethical Aspect Of Cryptocurrency Investment

Well to discuss the ethical aspect of cryptocurrencies investment there are some things we really have to understand and this involves the impact of some cryptocurrencies on the environment like the infamous bitcoin which emits large carbon in the mining process that thus cus noticeable environmental damage making some to wonder the ethic, as in the goodness and badness of this investment, they ponder is it really wise to support investment in an asset that it's mining process causes environmental damage. I mean will it be a worthy investment if it comes to the detriment of human environment in general, this is one of the major concerns as it regards the ethics of cryptocurrencies investment.

Also a point to note is that in this market they are coins that are of good value and they are some that are merely driven by hype and speculation without no real value, ofcourse it's only right base on ethics of what is acceptable we are moved to support good project built on strong fundamentals and good usecase but at the same time many may opt to jump in to this speculative asset class with no real value and even media's carry this project and for this reason people are often moved to put money into this hyped coin even if there is no real value backing them up now for this set of people who are hyping speculative asset class that they know are a mere bubble it's puts into question the ethics of such investment choice as that will no doubt be encouraging people especially newbies to put money or invest in a market that's not sustainable and that's unethical when it comes to financial investment.

Considering many use cryptocurrencies to carry out illegal ventures due to its seemingly anonymous nature it's often been viewed by many in the light that investment in cryptocurrencies could potentially mean that they are in support of the illegal activities that are often perpetrated by the platform thus bringing the ethics of cryptocurrencies investment into question as some wouldn't be want to be seen to be related with anything illegal and some who choose to invest may battle within themselves as to the good and bad of such investment.

There is often concern in cryptocurrencies due to one price volatility, the fact that the asset class is very volatile it thus makes it easier to be manipulated by hedge funds and large institutions or even unfavorable news and this could also be due to this single fact that there is not a proper regulation for this asset class and thus anyone entering the cryptocurrencies space seeking for investment is exposing himself to a great deal of risk as that will be entering an unregulated space to invest which could thus lead to great financial loss and this could thus jeopardize the faith or trust people had in the financial system and this has often make people wonder if investment in cryptocurrencies is good or bad.


Many people have their views as to what constitutes a good reason for investment in cryptocurrencies or what's the reason as to not invest and truth be told they are some questionable reasons why some choose to not invest as they feel it goes against their standard of morality whilst some have a moral obligation to invest due to the amazing benefit it offers as they feel something good shouldn't be condemned for a few bad side as this technology in which it's built in that's blockchain it's a life changing technogy. In all I feel we all have reasons as to why we should or shouldn't invest based on our moral standards so for me before anyone make investment in any cryptocurrencies asset they should ensure that they carry out proper and extensive research as to what they consider ethical before venturing into this space.

Coin Marketplace

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