The diary game// How in spent my day yesterday/ 29/09/2021

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

The 29th of September, which was yesterday was a really fulfilling day for me. It started as a usual, I said my morning prayers, did my laundry as I wanted to have after day to myself.
My plan for the day was to join my rotaract school club for a career talk and book donation in a secondary school nearby. At about 10:30am, myself and the club president went to get drinks and snacks for the students and also for the club members. This was before the program which was to start by 12pm.


At about 11:30am, there was a bus to convey us down to the secondary school and by 12pm we were ready.

The program started with we introducing ourselves to the students and also being welcomed by the school representatives. The students were so happy to see us and I must say I love their reception.


There was a brief session on career talk which can anchored by a rotaractor. She explained to students what career was all about and how to choose their career. After this we had an interactive session with the students. This tool place in groups of 3 persons. This session was wonderful. I was happy to speak to two students; one wanted to be a medical student and the other, a robotics engineer.

Finally, we spoke to the students about learning a skill. Skills such as writing, photography, programming and the likes. For those who loves to writing we introduced them to different platform where they can write e.g WordPress, Steemit etc.

Both the students and the teachers loved the program. The program ended with us taking pictures with the students and teachers.


I got back to my school about 2:30pm. I ate and had a nap. When I woke up, I read a few chapters of the book Atomic Habits by James Clear and to end the day I decided to write on Steemit. My day was so purposeful and I loved every bit of it.

I hope you enjoyed reading through, I will love to know what you think. Thank you

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