Girl wearing a very beautiful dress //Tron Fan Club// 10 % beneficiary to @tron-fan-club

in Tron Fan Club3 years ago

✋Hello everyone✋

How are you all? I hope you are well. I am well by the grace of God. Today I have reappeared with a new art. I love to do art. I've done a lot of art before. I like to do art. And I really enjoyed doing this art. I made art today for a girl wearing a very beautiful dress. The girl in the beautiful dress looks very beautiful to see the art. I am also showing you what methods I have followed to make art. I did the art of a girl wearing a beautiful dress with poster color. I hope you like the art of the girl wearing a nice dress, you will like the art.

CamScanner 05-18-2022 22.45_1.jpg

Poster color
Art books
Art brush


🎨Step 1🎨

Today I am doing art for a girl in a beautiful dress. I will first make a sketch to make art for a girl wearing a beautiful dress. I took an art book and a pencil to make a sketch. I made a girl art in an art book with pencil. I made a beautiful dress art designed on the body of the girl. The girl in the beautiful dress finished sketching.


🎨Step 2🎨

The girl in the beautiful dress finished sketching. Now I will paint. For coloring I first took the color of the poster of pink color. I will make beautiful dress art with pink color. I painted the whole shirt with pink color with the pink poster color in the art brush.



🎨Step 3🎨

I took the poster color of dark pink. I will design in the dress with dark pink. Let's start art from the bottom of the dress with dark pink color in an art brush. I dyed the whole bottom part of the dress with dark pink color and also the upper part.



🎨Step 4 🎨

I have taken black poster color. I will do art in some parts of the dress with black color. I designed the bottom of the dress with black. I took art in the dress with black color in the art brush.



🎨Step 5🎨

I bought the poster color of red. I will design the dress with red color and make the dress very beautiful. I made two ribbons with red poster color in an art brush.



🎨Step 6🎨

I have taken black poster color. I will make the whole dress art with black color. I painted with a poster color of black in a thin art brush. I designed the dress with black color art.



🎨Step 7🎨

I have taken the poster color of white color. I will do art on the dress with white color so that the dress is very beautiful. In an art brush, I painted the poster with white paint and put it on the bottom of the dress.



🎨Step 8🎨

I have taken the poster color of the skin color. I will make the body art of the girl with the poster color of the skin color. I bought art with all skin colors of hands and feet. I made the hair of my head art with the color of the poster of brown color.



🎨Step 9🎨

I have taken black poster color. I took it. I will make the girl's body art with black color. So I painted the girl's body with black paint in an art brush. I have done art with hair and black color. Then I did this art with white color and in the middle of the hair.



🎨The Final Step after doing art🎨


🎨🎨After scanning finale output🎨🎨

CamScanner 05-18-2022 22.45_1.jpg

🎨🎨Art with my signature🎨🎨

CamScanner 05-18-2022 22.45_3.jpg

🎨🎨Art with my signature🎨🎨
All my friends I love to do art. And I've been doing art since I was a kid. I can sketch any kind or any human sketch. I do all kinds of art. I love to do art. I do art whenever I feel bad. Art makes the mind better. And I want to do something with my art in the future. I love my art very much. I have appeared before you today with another new art. Today I have made art for a girl wearing a very beautiful dress. I did art to the girl wearing a very beautiful dress. The girl wearing a very beautiful dress is looking very beautiful in art. The girl wearing a very beautiful dress looks very good looking at Art Art. I did today's art inspired by fashion. Today's modern girls wear very beautiful dresses. So I thought Avi would make art for a girl wearing a beautiful dress today. So I did the art of the girl wearing the beautiful dress. I first made a sketch with a pencil. Then I did dress art with pink color. I did dress art with dark pink color. I designed with black and white colors. I did body art with skin color, I did hair art with brown color. I likes to design dresses. I hope you like the art of my girl wearing beautiful dress nft art.

Open sea marketplace is a very popular marketplace. I have promoted my nft art in open sea market place. Link below has given.

I minted this art in the largest nft market place OpenSea recently.

CategoriesNFT ART
Devicepoco x3 pro
Scanned byCamScanner

💕Thank's and Regards💕

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Today your nft very different. I like this post. Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

Thank you.

I like your nft art.
But, You don't mint & list your NFT probably.


Your Twitter link is not available.

It was good to see that it was very beautiful. I personally like these types of NFT.

 3 years ago 

Thank you.

Wow. Your art is just mind blowing. I really love your art.

 3 years ago 

Thank you

 3 years ago (edited)

You shared a wonderful painting with us. I was fascinated to see that.

 3 years ago 

Thank you

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