in #stach6 years ago


You cannot be void of the influence of your companions. You may say, ’I know what I am doing’, ’my friends are not influencing me in any way; I am of age and I know what I want out of life'. If a man says he is not under the influence of his company, he has been deceived. Even bible says: ”Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners”.

Nobody is truly void of the influence of his friends. Therefore if you desire the right influence in your life, choose the right friends. Bad friends spread bad influence, and good ones spread good influence. It therefore follows that we don’t choose the influence we want to come under directly; we only choose our friends and they determine the influence we come under.

Be careful who you flock with; be careful who you let into your inner caucus. Be careful you don’t let the wrong people come near you. There are people you only keep at arm's length. Why? You cannot afford the kind of influence they will bring into your life.

Influence is the force that drives everything that you do. It determines the direction of your life. Influence impacts on your perspective in life. You can only see as clearly as the influence you are under. Influence determines your sense of judgement.


Your Understanding is determined by the influence you are standing under. Be careful you don’t suffer loss due to bad friends infiltrating you. Whosoever’s values you don't share cannot be your friend. Whatever is not in line with God’s purpose for you must not be allowed into your sphere of acceptance. He that walks with the wise men shall be wise: but the companion of fools shall be destroyed”. Be careful who you flock with, and who is flocking with you.


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