in #fff5 years ago

Good day to all my foodie friends #foodfightfriday!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, lots of fun with my family at the Jersey shore, a trip to visit my hubby"s @thebigsweed brother in Herkimer NY and now a full farmhouse again with my brother and his wife as well as two of my four kids, and four of my six grand-kids, phew! Oh almost forgot my two grand-dogs, Obie and Riley, both beautiful pit bulls that wouldn't hurt a fly.

I have so many things I would love to share with all you wonderful chefs out there, but I am going to stick to the food for this post.


I have been on a roll with fish lately, we love fish, eat it often. Add in some of our fresh herbs and garden veggies and meals are a breeze in summer here at the farm. Although when my sister from Florida came to visit,
( she's a real talker) things in my kitchen got a little confused and MESSY. Had to remind myself to slow down.


We made stuffed potatoes one night, with fresh chives, sweet basil, sour cream, salsa and cheese. Always yummy!



These spuds are a meal in themselves


But throw in some grilled shrimp and now you're talking.


Or maybe some grilled swordfish with a lite lemon sauce with thyme and parsley.


We never go hungry around this FARM...we just take a walk (like on #wednesdaywalk) to our garden and pluck out some farm fresh veggies.


Tuck them into a baking dish, with some herbs and a sprinkle of cheese, oh boy, does that smell good, and so tasty too!


Although it's usually mayhem here on the farm when the family shows up, it's the best time. We smile, and exhaust ourselves with love and laughter...and lots of games...we are players, very competitive group, just sayin" .

But this is a #foodfightfriday, so sticking with the food challenge, our little Peyton wanted to get into the food fray. So with the bass in our pond so hungry, she decided to find fish food . That's just what she did.


Happy Friday everyone...Enjoy !


Uhm.. awesome! Each plate was a tour of the farm itself, ya’all know no grow a vegetable—dang! That plate says “crappie,” right? Ok, just making sure. I haven’t had a nice steak if swordfish for several months now—you just reminded me I need to try to do that soon.

Great entry, chef! It’s always nice to make a mess with you. Genius move capturing the mess of beans before cleaning it up—I’ll try to remember that.

Good morning @dandays, thanks for the nice reply. Oh yeah, the mess was a necessary part of that days cooking. You see, as much as I love my sister, she can be a challenge in the kitchen. She's a great cook but unlike myself, I clean as I cook, she on the other hand just piles it up...if you get my drift. Drives me crazy. And I would task anyone I know to try and out talk her. God bless her run on sentences...hehehe

Hope you and @puravidaville are having the time of your lives. Enjoy every minute!!!

I tell you what, things done get much better than that!! This just puts a big smile on my face when I see a family getting together to enjoy life and enjoy some tasty food. So who ate the worm? Did you sneak it in with the shrimp? lol Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, My Dad and a couple of his buddies always took a yearly fishing trip to the Pudget Sound (Seattle) and load up on salmon. It has been sometime since I had me a nice salmon fillet or a salmon steak!! I better head over there and raid his freezer, trust me he will never know. He is retired and if most like gone fishing somewhere. hehehe


You bet ya, nothing like little kids running around just makin ya smile.
I would love to get up to the Washington/Oregon region again, such a beautiful coastline. We were there when we took a cross country trip right before we had kids, loved it! A lot changes between no kids and "married with children" As Peg Bundy would say" Oh AL"...have a great day, headed pond-side with the cooler filled, grill at the ready and the first corn-hole challenge being accepted as we speak.
Have a cold one us...Cheers @jlsplatts

Sounds like you have a great day planned, I got one more car to wash after getting called into work, then it is time to crack a cold one and get in the pool.

awee get there bro

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 51
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

That looks good. And yeah, slowing down to speed up is a life lesson a lot of people need to learn, especially me.

Hey good morning @shaidon. Let me tell you, I have to keep reminding myself that I am retired. I don't have to answer the bell, it's a challenge though, life is still busy, especially if you have a family. All good stuff, but busy. Have a great day, nice to hear from.

Thanks for the reply. I haven't worked in a couple of weeks myself so the tendency to feel sorry for myself started to creep in, so it was time to start being social again on here. Have a great day also.

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