What makes you love your partner even more?

in #love6 years ago

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Love happens at such a deep level beyond logic or reasons that it can be tough to figure out exactly why you love a person. For this article, I decided to divide my list into themes to make it easier for other people to think up their own reasons. The themes are all kind of reasons in themselves. They each complete the sentence: "I love..."

These are a few things about my boyfriend's personality that always make me happy. These reasons don't necessarily have anything to do with our relationship. They are just reasons I love my boyfriend.

Just being in the same room as my boyfriend makes me feel protected and safe. He knows how to make me laugh despite myself, and he always knows how to make me feel special.

I know I can always count on my boyfriend to have my back. He supports and encourages me more than anyone else ever has. Here are some of the many ways he supports me.

He is strong mentally and physically. So much happens to him and myself and he never falters, and he never lets anything break him.

He treats me amazingly well. Whether it's going all out for me on my birthday, or buying me a tiny surprise just because it's a Monday, he doesn't mind going the extra mile to see me smile.

Even though we fight over stupid things sometimes, and struggle to get along always, I love the little games we play with each other. I am so blessed and thankful that I met him at that one party my freshman year, and I can't thank my lucky stars enough that they forced me to give him a chance.

 Image Source : https://pixabay.com

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